Toussaint and his army fight the Dark Realm. The Vampyres are mere foot soldiers for the Eterna. In the blood bath that is their battle, are there truly any winners? Find out in Killadelphia #24 from Image Comics!
Browsing: Greg Tumbarello
A battle for the fate of the world is on the horizon, but who will become allies and who will become foes? Find out in Killadelphia #23 from Image Comics!
With the addition of General Toussaint to the mix, the balance of power shifts yet again. In a struggle between immortals, where do the lives of humans fall? Find out in Killadelphia #22 from Image Comics!
As Philadelphia descends into anarchy, SeeSaw learns about where the Vampires came from. But why is all this chaos taking place here and now? Find out in Killadelphia #21 from Image Comics.
George Washington is the new immortal player on the field, but SeeSaw is an unexpected complication. Can the Sangster’s find him in time to save him? Find out in Killadelphia #20 from Image Comics!
The Sangsters have new allies in their fight against the vampires, but what if John Adams was not the origin of this struggle? Find out more in Killadelphia #19 from Image Comics!
Anansi hints that the Sangsters may have new allies in their fight. Who are they and where do they come from? Find out in Killadelphia #18 from Image Comics!
Magical help and even godly powers can only help so much. Does Jimmy have what it takes to regain his own humanity? Find out in Killadelphia #17 from Image Comics!
SeeSaw returns with some help against the vampires, but can he also save Jimmy from his vampirism? Find out in Killadelphia #16 from Image Comics.
It’s a vampire fight, and they are looking for Seesaw. He brought Adams back, but where is he and what is he doing now? Find out in Killadelphia #15 from Image Comics!
A new arc kicks off in this issue. Not only has John Adams returned, but another vampire takes the stage. Will this mark the end of Abigail’s plans for domination? Find out in Killadelphia #13 from Image Comics!
Philadelphia is in flames. But with the Sangsters fighting in the city, and Tevin making deals in the afterlife, can Abigail be stopped? Find out in Killadelphia #12 from Image Comics!
Philadelphia has gone dark and Jupiter is turning on Abigail. Will this put a stop to her plans? Find out in Killadellphia #11 from Image Comics!
As Abigail unleashes chaos in Philadelphia, just how far back does her planning really go? Find out in Killadelphia #10 from Image Comics!