Browsing: Comics Portal

DC is gearing up for an 80th anniversary celebration for Robin in March, 2020. However, there’s quite a controversy going on in several online forums about just who this event should really be about!

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The biggest news of the week seems to have been the revelation of Superman’s secret identity.

The bad part of this kind of thing is that what appears to be a permanent change will really last for what in comics is really a very short time.

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Baltimore Comic-Con is one of those great con experiences each year because they focus on comics! Yes, they do have some media guests, but they are often mostly known for comic- or genre-related shows! Happy 20th, BCC!

As much as I enjoy Baltimore Comic-Con, it also signals the time of the year when convention season begins to seriously wind down. I can’t help but think that Prince was right when he said, “Life is just a party, and parties weren’t meant to last.” Neither does con season.

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