In times of old, when knights were bold and something something Burma Shave… Myths, legends and history are fertile grounds for growing our favorite supers. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers of Myth and Legend!
Browsing: Ten Things
I’d like to apologize in advance for putting the earworm in your head with today’s Ten Things collection. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers Singable To The ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Theme Song!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There’s only so many names to choose from. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten ‘Name’s The Same’ Supers!
Tony Stark makes you feel he’s a cool exec with a heart of steel. And he’s ready for nearly any contingency! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Specialized Iron Man Armors!
Some say having a deadline leads to better work. Some of our favorite superhumans might agree. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers On A Timer!
There are those heroes who are super and those who are wonders and maybe a couple of mighty ones. But what about those who are ultra? Welcome to Ten Things!
If Major Spoilers has said it once, we’ve said it fifty-three times: Everything’s better with Batman! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Live-Action Batmans!
You better watch what you say. You better watch what you do to me. Don’t get carried away, because you are about to get very lucky… Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Lucky Supers!
Tulpa is a concept in mysticism and the paranormal of a being or object which is created through spiritual or mental powers. Sounds like a super power to me… Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Tulpas!
All heroes have some sort of pro-social agenda, but some are better than others! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Good Guys!
They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but what if you’re from Krypton? Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Gender-Defying Supers!
Superhero naming is a complicated game: Sometimes you need an adjective, sometimes you need a military rank. And sometimes, you need to make up your OWN words! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Nonsense Word Names!
Capes and tights may be a young person’s game, but that doesn’t mean a few brave souls haven’t been hanging in there! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers Over 100 Years Old!
Comics are full of Matthews and Stephens, but some names are less common, even among our favorite supers! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Super Karls!