All heroes have some sort of pro-social agenda, but some are better than others! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Good Guys!
Whooshman-Bicarbonate Films, in conjunction with An Amateur Comics Historian and Bo and Luke Duke, Presents:
A veritable fountain of goodness, kindness and all that is noble, Good Girl (real name unknown, as far as I can tell) is powered by her Battery of Virtue, whose charge can be discerned by the brightness of her halo. A devout Catholic, she is trustworthy, kind, loyal, brave and may or may not be choosing to be those things, Her team, the League of Super-Redundant Heroes, barely managed to protect their home town, whose name cannot be shared in all-ages company. Her evil counterpart is called Bad Good Girl.
A lycanthrope whose transformation runs in the family (and who is specifically NOT a mutant or a traditional werewolf), Goodness Silva shares her shapeshifting powers with her brother, Lucky. She encountered the Great Lakes Avengers while he was in the hospital, eventually becoming one of their number and protecting the streets of Detroit. While in her form, which she calls her fursona, Goodness identifies as male.
Having seen his parents killed by Deadpool, Franklin Mueller grew up vowing revenge and training himself into a razor-sharp instrument of retribution. A pointed parody of a certain knight in the dark, Good Night successfully catches and incapacitates the Merc With A Mouth, then REMOVES HIS BONES (!!), as he has studied Wade’s physiology and knows that they’ll take the longest to regrow.
That… is hardcore.
When orphan Davey Drew discovered a strange demonic creature in a cave, he accidentally set it free and was forced to stop it. Davey wasn’t alone in this crusade, though, as the mysterious Prince of Good assisted him on a couple of occasions, using superhuman (perhaps magical?) powers to bring the creature down. Davey’s adventures were later revealed/retconned to be fictional within the Marvel Universe, making the Prince’s canonical status as uncertain as his origins or his background, but… he sure dresses like a superhero, doesn’t he?
The leader of the secret black ops/genetic engineering agency known as Agenda (which is a bit on the nose, if you ask me), the General (real name unknown) targeted Kon-El, the clone known as Superboy. His mistake came in sending artificial beings known as the DNAngels to capture the Kid, leading to them taking his side when it became clear that Agenda was targeting genetically-engineered humans, including the creation of the monstrous Superboy clone called Match.
In the second iteration of Valiant Comics, The Good Shepherd was the first free will robot in his era, and sometimes went by the designation 1-A, as his universal counterparts did. Because of his mid-90s XXXTREEEEEMEEE origins, he has a much more antagonistic relationship with his “son” Magnus, who is in turn a brooding, angry antihero who angsts about being part robot. If I recall correctly, this take on the Robot Fighter isn’t set in the future like the original was, instead taking place in the then-present, which is now more than 20 years in the past.
A native of Earth-34 in the Multiversity-era DC Universe, little is known about Goodfellow other than that he is a member of the Light Brigade, a pastiche of Astro City’s Honor Guard. He himself seems to be an homage to The Gentleman, who is himself a loving tribute to the Golden Age Captain Marvel. Unlike The Gentleman, who fights in a full-dress tuxedo, Goodfellow seems to dress like backwoods hill folk, but at least he gets to wear shoes.
One of Darkseid’s most faithful lieutenants, Granny Goodness (once known as Athena, depending on the writer) was born one of the lowlies, the lowest members of Apokalips’ castes. She fought her way to the top, using her trademark cruelty to become the perfect drill sergeant, shaping young soldiers into fanatical servants of Darkseid. She’s a literal monster.
She also looks a bit like Ed Asner, who voiced her in DCAU appearances and who is, as of this writing, quite alive.
Speaking of celebrity resemblances, Goody is a dead ringer for Don Rickles, only nicer and an employee of Morgan Edge. When Morgan something something prank involving a superhero costume, blah blah assassins targeting Jimmy Olsen yackity smackity accidentally swallowed an incendiary device. Don himself gets abducted by aliens and suffers a nervous breakdown and honestly, you’re not even reading this anymore. I could tell you literally anything and it would make nearly as much sense as what Kirby put on the page. It’s goofy, it’s glorious and better minds than I have failed to decode it.
This one comes from the medical journal, “DUH.” Exposed to a “magic box” while in a comic shop, the members of the Good Guys are mostly superhero fans in-universe, gaining the powers of some of their favorite heroes, including TWO kids who want to be Wolverine. They find that superheroing is much more complicated in a realistic setting, clashing with bad kids who were also in the store as well as normal criminals. The book stands out, as each member was based on a real-world fan who won a contest to get their likeness and original character written into the book, making a handful of appearances before Defiant Comics went under.
This week’s topic, Ten Good Guys, is all me, but feel free to follow along @MightyKingCobra for more Ten Things madness on Twitter! Or, you can check out the full Twitter archive here! As with any set of like items, these aren’t meant to be hard and fast or absolutely complete, if only because the conflict of good versus evil is kind of the bedrock upon which these sort of stories are built. Either way, the comments section is below for just such an emergency, but, as always: Please, no wagering!
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