DC Comics has released a first look at some of the interior pages for the upcoming Wonder Woman #750, that features the story and artwork from what seems like thousands of writers and artists.
Browsing: Bryan Hitch
We are just about to hit a major milestone for the Flash character as the series approaches issue #750, and the hero celebrates 80 years (Jay, Barry, Wally, etc.) in the pages of DC Comics. Today, the publisher announces Josh Williamson and a number of other scribes will take on the writing duties for the milestone issue.
Apex Lex hasn’t gotten what he truly desires even after giving out super powers to villains. Can traveling the multiverse show Lex Luthor what he truly wants? Find out in Lex Luthor: Year of the Villain #1 by DC Comics!
DC Comics has announced The Batman’s Grave, a new twelve-issue maxi-series, from Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, that features the World’s Greatest Detective inhabiting the mind of a murder victim, without filling the empty grave next to his parents.
What a year it has been! There are changes coming for Hawkman in the months ahead, but the first 12 issues of this series have been, well, epic! So, just how did Hawkman #12 work out? It was one for the record books!
The Deathbringers have come… and they’re after Hawkman’s head! Your Major Spoilers review of Hawkman #9 awaits!
This week’s Batman Annual looks at our hero from his butler’s point of view, and it’s truly engaging and enlightening.
Welcome to the weekly rundown of comic book reviews from Major Spoilers. There is a lot of stuff on the site, but this is your one-stop post to find all of the comics we’ve reviewed this week.
I have this thing about winged or caped characters. Something about them and their ability…
The First Family of Comics takes center stage this week, as they take on Galactus and his friend, Harold. Plus, strange things are afoot at DC Comics (or are they?), your favorite burger joint, Motor Crush Vol. 2, Usagi Yojimbo: The Hidden #4, Hawkman #1, and Tomb Raider: Inferno #1 all go under the microscope.
When the Fantastic Four return to the Marvel U in August, some of your favorite Marvel comics will celebrate by featuring their own FF covers.
Love is strange, Faithful Spoilerites, and nowhere is that more true than the monstery corners…
Once more into the breach for the winged lawman from Thanagar! Your Major Spoilers review…
Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and…