A hatchet murder weapon indicates that the Tongs may be back in San Francisco! Never fear, Detective Edison Hark is on the case in The Good Asian #2 by Image Comics!
Browsing: Alexandre Tefenkgi
Pornsak Pichetshote is teaming with artist Alexandre Tefenkgi for The Good Asian, a nine-issue noir mini-series at Image Comics.
It’s been a long and harrowing journey, but Sam and Alea made contact with the creature that lives beneath them. What will they learn about it…and themselves? Find out in Outpost Zero #14 from Image Comics!
Sam and Alea have followed Steven’s last message of “Follow them down,” and are face to face with an alien! What does it want? Find out in Outpost Zero #13 from Image Comics.
Most people are afraid of what they don’t know. As Alea and Sam explore and learn more about their past, who will they ever be able to talk to about what they’ve found? Find out in Outpost Zero #12!
Secrets abound in Outpost Zero, but the bombshell of the day may be that Discovery Team has found traces of life. But how will people react to this news? Find out in Outpost Zero #11!
What goes around comes around. Remember the cats from a few issues ago? What if Sam and Alea can follow them? Where do they end up? Let’s find out in Outpost Zero #9 from Image Comics.
Life is anything but normal on Outpost Zero. Could it be because of an anomaly beneath the Outpost? Let’s take a look at Outpost Zero #8 from Image Comics.
On the surface, so calm; underneath, so much turmoil – both figuratively and literally on Outpost Zero.
Sam, Alea, and Lyss explore possible ways to get into the Stem. But what is Mitchell’s story?
Work finally begins on the ice covering the dome, and Alea wants Sam to work with her to figure out Steven’s final message. They need help from Lyss – is she willing to get involved?
Sam and Alea make a deal – information in exchange for the projector. The Council makes a decision on how to deal with the ice burying the Outpost. And the cats may be onto something…
Buried underneath mountains of ice and snow, the inhabitants of Outpost Zero need to figure out a way to get it melted. Meanwhile, Alea is trying to find out what Sam knows…and why Steven committed suicide. Take the jump for our review of Outpost Zero #3 from Image Comics.
IT’S NEW COMIC BOOK DAY! #NCBD The best day of the week just got a…