Author: Robert Mammone

Romantic. Raconteur. Kangaroo rustler. Sadly, Rob is none of these. Rob has been a follower of genre since at least the mid-1970s. Book collector, Doctor Who fan, semi-retired podcaster, comic book shop counter jockey, writer (once!) in Doctor Who Magazine and with pretensions to writing fantasy and horror, Rob is the sort of fellow you can happily embrace while wondering why you're doing it. More of his maudlin thoughts can be found at his ill-tended blog

In Mountainhead #5 the eye of terror has fallen on the town of Braeriach, and everyone is doomed!  Except those survivors trekking up Mount Rector, armed to the teeth with dynamite, on a monster hunt to end all monster hunts.  Does evil win?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In Seven Secrets #5 from BOOM! Studios, the Order is forced to fall back to a mountain fortress to protect the Secrets. But despite their best efforts, a traitor betrays their intent and a wholesale massacre ensues. Who survives?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In That Texas Blood #6 from Image Comics, Randy decides to take matters into his own hands as he ignores the pleas of his lover, Sara.  Meanwhile, Sheriff Joe Bob knows who the killer of Randy’s brother is, but before the night is out, the bodies will pile up.  Who dies?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In I Walk With Monsters #1 Jacey grew up on a farm where her father killed the casual workers, and sold her brother into slavery.  Now an adult, Jacey stops serial killers, with the help of David whose talents are perfectly suited to killing.  Where is Jacey’s search for her missing brother taking her?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In The Witcher #1,  Geralt roams Poviss in a time when there are no monsters.  But when he helps a fisherman, he discovers something about himself he thought he’d forgotten.  And what about the foglets menacing the children?   Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In Ice Cream Man #21 from Image Comics,  private dick Ray Kowalski is hired to find out who killed an ice cream seller.  But his path is littered with the bodies of other sellers, knife wielding cultists and a marriage that is fast collapsing.  But is everything as real as it seems?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In Seven to Eternity #14, after killing Volmer the Sky King, Garils and Adam trek to the Springs of Zhal, to cure a dying Adam.  But what is the cost of the cure, and immortality, and is Adam willing to pay it?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem #2, the conditioning that has wiped memories of the Killjoys begins to fade, revealing a dystopian nightmare built on the backs of the people.  Can the Fabulous Killjoys shake off the conditioning? Find out in your latest might Major Spoilers review!

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In The Red Mother #10, Daisy struggles to come to terms with the disappearance of Ian, and the mysterious visions that plague her of a monstrous Herald.  And are her friends really her friends, or people with an agenda all of their own?  Find out in your latest might Major Spoilers review!

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In SPY ISLAND #3, Nora discovers a liking for her gangster father, while Harry continues to blunder into all sorts of dangerous plots.  Sand fleas, man eating mermaids and exploding mimes – what’s that all about?  Find out it in your latest might Major Spoilers review!

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In THAT TEXAS BLOOD #5, Randy dreams he’s drowning in blood, though not his blood, as he deals with something he can’t take back, while Sheriff Joe Bob shows a new recruit the dark underside of his county.  As the pressure and earth toll mounts, can Randy get out from under the chaos he is causing?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In Department of Truth #2, it’s Satanic Panic time as Cole gets the Devil inside him.. While the Star Face Man eats babies, Cole comes to terms with what happened when he was a boy. Do I smell brimstone? Find out it in your latest might Major Spoilers review!

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In It Eats What Feeds It #3, Kenny comes face to face with Francois’ secret, and it’s big, it’s ugly and it’s hungry for meat…of the human variety!  Can our terrific twosome escape?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #5, Detective Amanda Reyes has found Skulldigger’s ward, and fled with him.  A tense discussion about warped priorities and revenge is curtailed when Grimjim appears and all hell breaks loose.  Can Skulldigger save the day?  Read all about it in your latest might Major Spoilers review!

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