It’s never-ending amusement rides, candy, pizza, and shakes in the Funlands, and all King Kid wants is to join the Shazam family. Is it a deal?
Author: Ingrid Lind-Jahn
Alistair Meath’s memories and powers return to him, but at what cost to him…and to his country?
On the surface, so calm; underneath, so much turmoil – both figuratively and literally on Outpost Zero.
We learn a bit more about the First Shadow, but what does it have against Earth, and why is Cate and Kate’s mom helping it?
In a battle between fear and despair, can there ever be any winner? Find out in this week’s review of Bitter Root #4 from Image Comics.
An Eternal Warrior, a young Geomancer, and a ruthless invader who can travel through the Deadside – and whose next target is Earth!
Just when things are at their lowest is when they start turning around. Will that hold true in By Night #8?
Victor and Dez have run into The Resistance, and Victor fills them in on what happened five years ago. But who is The Resistance resisting, and what is their big plan?
It’s time for Major Spoilers to check in on the goings-on at Auntie Agatha’s Home for Wayward Rabbits #4 from Image Comics.
Betrayed by the people she loves most in the world, Nina is on her own with uncontrolled magical powers, caught between two major Cabals. Can she navigate her way between them?
Scattered around Gemworld our young heroes try to figure out where they are and what the heck is going on!
It’s another day at Tesladyne Institute, a beautiful day for exploration, experimentation, and a vacation! Nothing could possibly go wrong. Or could it?
It’s the final showdown with P:Andora! He’s already killed heroes and seems invincible. Can Project Superpowers pull together and stop him before he destroys the world?
Like chess pieces on the board, Prince Vikram and Bishan are drawn into the conflict with England and the East India Company, and Count Grano arrives in India. Who will survive?