Author: Ingrid Lind-Jahn

By day, she’s a mild-mannered bureaucrat and Ms. Know-It-All. By night, she’s a dance teacher and RPG player (although admittedly not on the same nights). On the weekends, she may be found judging Magic, playing Guild Wars 2 (badly), or following other creative pursuits. Holy Lack of Copious Free Time, Batman! While she’s always wished she had teleportation as her superpower, she suspects that super-speed would be much more practical because then she’d have time to finish up those steampunk costumes she’s also working on.

Monster hunters like Erica forge themselves into killing machines, but beneath the skills and the weapons, they are still human. What does she do to cope? Find out in Something is Killing the Children #39 from BOOM! Studios.

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Modo, Throttle, and Vinnie are the Biker Mice from Mars, and their life is carefree until the Plutarkians start taking over the planet. Will they remain vigilantes, or is there a more effective way for them to resist? Find out in Biker Mice from Mars #1 from Oni Press!

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Now that they have found her, does Doc understand what is happening on this planet? Has she made the right decision, and should Athos and friends follow along? Find out in Man’s Best #5 from BOOM! Studios.

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Griz has the creature, but is caught between Azare-Ra-Toth, his mutant ex-girlfriend, and the government. What is a monster hunter to do? Find out in Monsters Are My Business #4 from Dark Horse Comics!

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The Mermaid now has a goal and another companion, but what challenges will they face on their long journey? Find out in The Last Mermaid #5 from Image Comics!

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Canto returns to New Arcana with Falco and his friends, but now faces the Shrouded Man in person. Does he have enough allies to rally his cause? Find out in Canto: A Place Like Home #2 from Dark Horse Comics!

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As Pigeon’s life crumbles, he longs for his family, but they are gone. Frustration turns to questions then thoughts of revenge. Can Aquatica help him find any of the answers he seeks? Find out in The Sacrificers #9 from Image Comics!

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The trio are reunited and, with Porthos taking the lead, they follow the kidnapper’s trail. Will that lead them to Doc? Find out in Man’s Best #4 from BOOM! Studios.

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The hunt for Jace Boucher has high stakes for both Slaughter and the Butcher Shop. As tempers continue to fray, who will strike the next blow in the fight? Find out in House of Slaughter #24 from BOOM! Studios.

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Canto braves the Emerald Tower once again to save his friends, trusting that his allies will reach New Arcana in time. But does the Shrouded Man have more tricks up his sleeve? Find out in Canto: A Place Like Home #1 from Dark Horse Comics!

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The Mermaid helps a human without knowing who or what he was. When he continues to do things to help her in turn, she is first puzzled, then suspicious. But can he help her find what she is looking for? Find out in The Last Mermaid #4 from Image Comics!

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Linnea is at the end of her rope and determined, at any cost, to prevent the cult from killing more young women. Will this plan work as she expects? Find out in Pine & Merrimac #5 from BOOM! Studios.

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Jess makes her plans, but her friends must be ready to help. What can Eddie bring to the upcoming conflict? Find out in Grim #17 from BOOM! Studios.

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Erica is on the trail of another monster, but her child assistant is not one for keeping quiet. Can she complete her hunt and protect the town from being swept away in the name of secrecy? Find out in Something is Killing the Children #37 from BOOM! Studios.

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