It is yet another beautiful day at the beach, while the northlands continue to be inundated with cold weather. Can Hexley get what he came for and learn to relax? Let’s find out in this review of Wizard Beach #4 from BOOM! Studios.
Author: Ingrid Lind-Jahn
Naomi is young and determined to find out more about who she is – but she may have found more than she bargained for in Naomi #3 from DC Comics.
Life is anything but normal on Outpost Zero. Could it be because of an anomaly beneath the Outpost? Let’s take a look at Outpost Zero #8 from Image Comics.
Can the Sangeryes close the gateway and deal with Dr. Sylvester and his crew of monstrous helpers? Find out in this review of Bitter Root #5 from Image Comics.
What can a young girl, a survivalist rat, and a bunch of rescued rabbits do to save their home from certain destruction?
In the Con that outlasts all the other cons, deep and meaningful questions are asked, such as who would win in a fight – Skylarks or Battlefoxes?
What cabal will Nina choose, and what really happened to her in the earthquake ten years ago?
Wait a minute – Jane’s mom was involved with the plot? How much does she know?
I appreciate that Justice League #19 takes some time to lighten up and have some playful moments, and I really enjoy those chapters of the story. This is one that could have gotten really kooky, but instead it let loose just enough to be fun and then drew it back to the big, serious plot.
Tucker, Ohio, 1983, where school-age kids are disappearing, and Nancy Salazar finds out that the police are not investigating. Just what is going on here?
This day may have gone from bad to worse, but Young Justice are full of grit and determination.
Life, death, and reality meet each other head on as Kathy Sartori tries to figure out why she is here and what’s going on.
A last few puzzles and Maria reaches the Owl King’s castle! She is so close to her baby she can almost touch him, but what happens when the clock strikes thirteen?
Well, we knew things wouldn’t stay peaceful for long. Vampires at Los Alamos! Where did they come from? What do they want?