The Glass family is trying to stay together and remain alive in a city that seems to be out to get them. Will they be able to navigate through Silver Bay or will they fall to the Muse Guild? Find out in Dryad #5 by Oni Press!

Writer: Kurtis Wiebe
Artist: Justin Osterling
Colorist: Francesco Segala
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Jasmine Amiri
Publisher: Oni Press
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date; September 23rd, 2020
Previously in Dryad: Morgan and Yale Glass are two people who have had a crazy life prior to their quiet life raising their kids. Now that they are forced back to Silver Bay, Rana and Griffon begin to learn just how crazy their parents’ previous life was. They are now on their way to visit Creston, an old associate, to try and save Val’s life after an attack on their vessel.
When the Glass family made the call to Creston, they knew that Creston was already under watch. Yale, Morgan, and Creston however were able to deal with the intruders without much stress. Creston leads them to Patyr, a healer and she is able to save her life. After a lot of discussion between The Glass Family and Creston, they decided to ask Patyr for aid even though Valencia is a Muse. Patyr leads them back to her home which is under the city in ancient ruins but as they enter; Rana and Griffon have a reaction and they begin to unleash uncontrolled magic.
The core of this story is the parents’ relationship with their kids and watching the strain this story is putting on the family. Here we see the kids begin to forgive their parents for what they did and are trying to process everything. They also try to soften Morgan who is largely untrusting of everyone. This balance provided more tension to me than the action and adventure. I want to see if they can come out of this conflict still as a family unit. They also introduce Griffon’s father in passing this issue too and is certain to be a story point in the future.
The other story plot is the mystery between the Glass Family and their allies, the Muse Guild, and the Sowers of Dryad. I don’t see a lot of foreshadowing of what the main objective of the antagonists nor am I 100% sure who the true enemy is. And therefore, I feel constantly surprised when bad things happen. I think this is the intention of the writers. They want to put us in the kids shoes who also does not know what is happening. This is great storytelling but I found it a little annoying. And usually I like being in suspense and having to figure out the context clues but I feel like I’m not receiving enough information.
This story has been very interesting to read and has kept me on my toes. For some reason, in this issue I didn’t feel the plot progressed enough and things were happening for the sake of happening. The tension between the family is still there and that is what drives the story for me. The interpretation of fantasy races in a science fiction city is also great as well. Because of all that, this is a 4 out of 5 stars for Dryad #5 from me!
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Dryad #5
The Glass Family are trying to save Val's life by meeting with an old friend.