Browsing: Kurtis Wiebe

The Glass Family find themselves in the middle of a conflict between the world of magic and the world of technology. Find out if they can reconcile their differences and come together in Dryad #9 by Oni Press.

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The Glass Family have gone their separate ways to cope with manifested magic of the twins. Will they be able to find the truth behind the powers of Rana and Griffon? Find out in Dryad #8 by Oni-Lion Forge Publishing! 

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The Glass Family is falling apart and each person has a different idea to solve their problems. Will they be able to recover from the truth of Rana and Griffon’s heritage or will they fall apart in Dryad #7 by Oni-Lion Forge Publishing! 

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The Glass family have finally found a moment of safety but not before the twins fall unconscious! Now Morgan and Yale have to figure out what their next move is in Dryad #6 by Oni-Lion Forge Publishing!

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The Glass family is trying to stay together and remain alive in a city that seems to be out to get them. Will they be able to navigate through Silver Bay or will they fall to the Muse Guild? Find out in Dryad #5 by Oni Press!

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Griffon and Rana are heading into the city for the first time. How will they handle the technologically advanced city after living off the grid for their whole life? Find out in Dryad #4 by Oni Press!

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Dryad tells the story of a couple who has settled down from a life of adventure after finding a mysterious temple. Now as a guard and a scholar, their twin children are off causing trouble by locating that same temple! Come check out Dryad #2 by Oni Press!

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