Browsing: Francesco Segala

Ivory is locked in his own trunk. If you think that’s bad, wait until you see how he gets out. Your Major Spoilers review of Nights #7 from Image Comics awaits!

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Bait has enlisted the help of the other children to fight the monsters, contrary to the Order’s teachings. Can they defeat the onslaught, and what repercussions will there be? Find out in House of Slaughter #20 from BOOM! Studios.

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Bait is placed in a foster home and while he kills monsters at night, he has not found their source. Or does one possible source hit him too close to home? Find out in House of Slaughter #18 from BOOM! Studio.

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When missions become complicated, sometimes the White Masks bring in Bait. Who is this young boy and how did he become a White Mask? Find out in House of Slaughter #16 from BOOM! Studios.

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Alice has been brought home by her sister Edith and family friend Earl. Her body is healthy, but is her mind now locked in Wonderland forever? Find out in Alice Never After #1 from BOOM! Studios.

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When something inexplicable happened, it changed the world forever. What it left behind will change it even more. Your Major Spoilers review of Children of The Black Sun #1, awaits!

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Edwin wagers all in a calculated gambit to defeat the monster in the lake. Will this pay off, or will he be lost forever beneath the waves? Find out in House of Slaughter #10 from BOOM! Studios.

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Edwin hides his feelings behind a mask of calm. Hermes begins to penetrate that calm. What likes deep within Edwin’s mind and memories? Find out in House of Slaughter #9 from BOOM! Studios.

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Edwin continues his investigation in his own quirky style. He believes he may have stumbled upon a new and dangerously huge monster. But why does his otherwise infallible memory have odd gaps right in crucial places? Find out in House of Slaughter #8 from BOOM! Studios.

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After Edwin’s first approach to the camp does not work, he decides to return at night. But after spending the day on a rented boat, he finds he is adrift. But will this bring him closer to an understanding of the monster? Find out in House of Slaughter #7 from BOOM! Studios.

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