It’s hard to protect Metropolis when The Parasite is draining your power, even if you’re Superman… Your Major Spoilers review of Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1 from DC Comics awaits!
Writer: Robert Venditti
Penciler: Paul Pelletier
Inker: Drew Hennessy
Colorist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Andrew Marino
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: 99 Cents
Release Date: April 20, 2020
Previously in Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow, is plunged into a blackout. Superman needs to find the cause of the crisis but is he prepared to face the energy-hungry Parasite?
We open with Superman in classic form, single-handedly holding up a collapsing tunnel so that the drivers and pedestrians can safely escape. A couple of kids watch in awe, even discussing their friend who claims Superman came to his birthday party, not noticing a strange form behind them in the darkness, crackling with energy. Later, back at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are pulling a late night when, suddenly, their power goes out. Worse still, even the battery backups are dead, and the entire city is dark. Cue Clark leaping up, up and away while Lois laments the cost of continually replacing his lost and damaged clothing in a cute moment. In a less cute moment, that shadowy figure turns out to be the distended, lamprey-mouthed monster known as The Parasite, whose hunger for energy/sustenance is out of control. Superman finds that he can’t overpower the creature, forcing him to use his wits to neutralize the threat. Ever more important (at least to this reader), he takes a moment to speak to the people of Metropolis, reminding them to help and support one another while the power is out, leading everyone to start banding together to help…
With all the recent madness in Superman’s world, it’s good to have a down-to-earth story like this, one that hits all the important bases. We get a little cute back-and-forth between Lois and Clark, a little action, a little angry Lex Luthor and a Superman whose power can’t immediately curb-stomp his challenges. In defeating Parasite, Superman shows compassion for the man inside the monster, and his speech to the city in a time of crisis is note-perfect Superman. (It’s also very appropriate for the current real-world situation of emergency, which I find somehow calming.) I also enjoy the art of Pelletier and Hennessy, who together give us a classic Superman that could fit in any of the last four decades, making the story feel timeless and universal. The battle with Parasite is explosive and exciting, but perhaps my favorite sequence of the issue comes as Perry wonders why Lois gave him a feel-good story rather, punctuated with annoyed Lois, confused Clark and a chagrined Perry when he realizes that Jimmy and Lois are right. It could be right out of the 50s TV show, or ‘Lois & Clark’ or the upcoming CW show, making for an almost archetypical Super-tale.
In short, Superman: Man of Steel #1 does what it’s designed to do, introducing a hero who needs no introduction and pulling it off with strong art, character beats that draw from all along the nearly century-long history of Superman and making this particular long-time fan very happy, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. If you’ve ever questioned what makes Superman tick, this issue should serve as a great example.
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If you don't like this issue, then Superman's probably not for you.