A conspiracy has targeted Wonder Woman and her friends, and casualties are starting to mount… Your Major Spoilers review of Wonder Woman #19 awaits!
Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Liam Sharp
Colorist: Laura Martin
Letterer: Jodi Wynn
Editor: Chris Conroy & Mark Doyle
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Previously in Wonder Woman: “Diana, Steve and Etta come face-to-face with their newest foes – the deadly group known as Poison! But what do they have to do with the plot to unravel Wonder Woman’s life?”
As our story opens, Wonder Woman finds her friend Ferdinand (who is not a minotaur, as he’s not from Minos, but is totally… Y’know what? Skip it.) or rather, he finds her, held in a hospital ward for safekeeping. Steve Trevor, Etta Candy and Ferdinand have gone underground thanks to the efforts of Poison, an unholy alliance of Veronica Cale, The Cheetah and Doctor Cyber (who has gotten a pretty huge upgrade from her old-school look and powers.) Their assembled evil is known as Poison, and they have targeted Wonder Woman and transformed Barbara Minerva into her feline other-self on what seems to be a permanent basis. With Wonder Woman aware of their manipulations, it becomes clear that whatever Poison is up to, it seems to have the same goal as Wonder Woman herself: Find a way back to Themiscyra.
Liam Sharp’s art is really amazing this issue, from the relief on Diana’s face at the sight of Ferdinand to the combat sequences, to the appearance of the New 52 design as one of Cyber’s holograms, every page looks amazing. There are still a lot of mysterious bits and pieces of the story going on, but it’s all in a good way, as Rucka’s plotting is always labyrinthine and complex. The big selling point for me is in how it all shakes out at the end, and we’re not quite there yet. Most interesting is the appearance of a woman who may be Sasha Bordeaux (if I should already know that, I’m sorry, and the issue doesn’t make it 100% clear from context) whom I’m looking forward to seeing more of. Etta Candy is also entertaining here, and I kind of love her angry, martial ways. Add in a shocking cliffhanger final page, and you’ve got a recipe for entertaining.
I have to admit, having missed a couple of issues, this wasn’t the easiest story to work my way into, but it was worth it once I was engaged, and the art made up for the serialized nature of the story. Wonder Woman #19 is well-drawn, well-constructed, full of mystery and excitement and ends with a serious band, making me want next issue immediately, earning a well-deserved 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Now, if we can just get them to bring back Giganta as an evolved gorilla!
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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