I don’t know about you guys, but the fact that this issue is entitled ‘Night Pudding’ pretty much guaranteed that I’d want to read it… Your Major Spoilers review of Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #5 awaits!
Writer: Jon Rivera & Gerard Way
Artist: Michael Avon Oeming
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Clem Robins
Editor: Molly Mahan
Publisher: DC Comics/Young Animal
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye:“After agreeing to help defeat the mysterious being known as the Whisperer, Cave imbibes “Night Pudding” (a concoction reserved for only the strongest warriors and the truly metal) with King P’Thrall, while Chloe experiences the local scene with a group of subterranean teenagers. What could possibly go wrong? And if something did go wrong, it’s all good-because Cave knows some big league heroes who are just a phone call away, so…”
Cave, Wild Dog and Chloe have made their way to King P’Thrall’s palace, where he has made peace with the King (also his former father-in-law.) P’Thrall explains that Muldroog has fallen not to evil, but to greed, and explains the deal that he made with EBX, Cave’s former employers, who have followed him in the updated Mighty Mole II. They’ve also brought an alien fungus beast who threatens the entire world, but even that turns out to be more complicated than it all seems. While Chloe bonds with the youthful members of the Muldroog tribe and Wild Dog deals with his own terrible past, Cave and P’Thrall find themselves under attack, forcing him to call in his big gun: SUPERMAN.
Oorrrrr, to fail miserably, as Superman’s number has changed, leaving Cave, his crew, the abandoned EBX Mighty Mole II crew and the remainder of the Muldroogians facing down an oncoming army. “If anyone has a plan B,” Cave remarks, “I’d sure love to hear it.”
Among the visual treats this issue are the hallucinations caused by ‘Night Pudding’, which sounds like a really good babymetal band, especially as Jack “Wild Dog” Wheeler deals with the effects of the stuff. It’s really hard to deal with the plot of a book like this, as it’s more about the journey than the destination, but the plotting and dialogue are really entertaining as well. At one point, Chloe explains to the Muldroog about her accidental Batman tattoo, leading the Batman obsessed underworlders to ask if they can see it, leading her to remark that the night is still young. The backup ‘Super Powers’ tales are also fascinating, giving us a little more of the origin of the Wonder Twins, a meta Joker who threatens the readers of the very comic he’s in and Brainiac tracking Supergirl (who is in the wonderful Supermobile) across the universe. As with the main story, I’m not entirely sure where these stories are going, but they make for an entertaining and enjoyable ride.
In short, my love for the Young Animal books and their off-beat humor still persists, and this issue gives us a little more plot and a killer cliffhanger to make us all wonder what happens next and who will survive. Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #5 is exciting, well-drawn and fun, with even the moments of conversation staying visually exciting and providing a solid framework on which to hide the weird bits, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Even if this book ends after six issues, it will still have been a heck of a ride, and one worth picking up in the inevitable trade paperback…