Marvel has revealed the latest variant cover for the upcoming Fantastic Four relaunch featuring art by Eric Powell.
Browsing: Dan Slott
If you’ve been wondering what Spider-Geddon was all about, guess no longer as Marvel has announced Dan Slott is teaming with writer Christos Gage and artist Jorge Molina to bring the Spider-man(s) together for one more giant adventure.
With the new Ant-Man and The Wasp movie about to drop, movie fans are going to be really confused by the cover of Tony Stark Iron Man #4 which features the titular character making out with Janet Van Dyne, The Wasp.
The Red Goblin has taken down his allies. He has targeted Spider-Man’s family and friends. Now, the Web-Head has to face two of his most terrible foes at the same time… and not everyone will survive.
Your Major Spoilers review of Amazing Spider-Man #800 awaits!
Certain trends just tend to repeat themselves in the comics universes. I’ve recently noticed a few that are happening once again. Sadly.
How many variant covers is too many variant covers? We are going to find out when Tony Stark Iron Man #1 release 20 variant covers when the series kicks off from writer Dan Slot and artist Valerio Schiti.
Here is another wonderful variant cover for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man #800, this time by artist Paolo Rivera.
Marvel has released yet another variant cover for next month’s Amazing Spider-Man #800. This time, Greg Land and Rachelle Rosenberg step up to offer their take on the iconic hero.
Another day, another variant reveal for Amazing Spider-Man #800 from Marvel. Today, we get our first look at the Terry Dodson cover, that lands on May 30th, 2018.
Marvel is going all out for the upcoming Amazing Spider-man #800 issue with a number of variant covers. The latest variant covers is by Mark Bagley.
Amazing Spider-Man #800 will be a landmark issue for Dan Slott, Marvel, and Spider-Man fans. To celebrate the upcoming release, Marvel has released the variant cover for the issue from artist John Romita Sr and Richard Isanovel.
A few days ago, Marvel brought us the news that Marvel’s “First Family” was coming…
C.B. Cebulski, Marvel’s current Editor-in-Chief, has announced the Fantastic Four are returning in a new monthly series by Dan Slott and Sara Pichelli.
We already knew Dan Slott was moving away from Amazing Spider-Man to take on Iron Man, now Marvel has revealed who will provide the art on Tony Stark: Iron Man #1.