Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.

The Darkstars are encroaching on the Green Lanterns’ territory, and they aren’t restricting their lethal methods to just the criminals.  Will John Stewart’s leadership save or sink the Corps?  Your Major Spoilers review of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #45 awaits!

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Bad enough Tabitha has had to accept a bounty on her own brother, now her dying mother is getting involved to try and save his life.  What’s a futuristic cyborg bounty hunter to do?  Your Major Spoilers review of Motherlands #5 awaits!

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This time, Moon Knight isn’t the only one with multiple voices in his head.  Your Major Spoilers review of Moon Knight #195 awaits!

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With the recent relaunch of The Avengers spinning out of the team’s dissolution, I though it might be interesting to look at a previous time the team fell to pieces.  Get ready for Earth’s Mightiest (Substitute) Heroes!  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Avengers Annual #17 awaits!

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Strange doings are afoot in the Arctic Circle and one Champion may not survive the trip…  Your Major Spoilers review of Champions #20 awaits!

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They… are the Super-Sons!  They’ll always save the day!  And if you think they can’t, well…  this is the final issue, so let’s hope you’re wrong.  Your Major Spoilers review of Super-Sons #16 awaits!

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We’ve seen the revenge story done time and time again in westerns and fantasies, modern day and science fiction, even with superheroes. A man is out to gain vengeance on those who wronged him/killed his family/took his honor/yadda-yadda. It gets bloody and many sacrifices are made. Shanghai Red has a similar story: shanghaied to serve on a sailing ship, tortured and beaten, forced to submit, a family dependent on them left behind. It sounds a little familiar, but when the revenge seeker is a woman, then there is a completely new level of pain to be explored. Let’s check out Shanghai Red #1 from Image Comics, and find out just how many.

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One part Ocean’s Eleven, one part Game of Thrones, is how the series Brigands has been described. Now, we get another installment and more action with Stilian “Blackheart” Desault and company with Ruin of Thieves #1 from Action Lab Comics. How do the stars align on this installment…

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A warrior from ancient history wielding what is possibly the most powerful weapon ever created, Aric left Earth and found himself on a faraway planet where he changed their world forever. Now, the plea of a friend calls him back on Earth, just in time for war…

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