Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.

In The Department of Truth #4, the grandest of conspiracy theories gets an airing as two reporters debate the existence of the Deep State.  Will Cole get his chance to investigate the Star Headed Man, and what is Lee Harvey Oswald’s asking price?  Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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From excitement to despair, Amy faces the fact that her parents may have been up to no good. Does she have what it takes to face down Lord Opal alone? Find out in Amethyst #6 from DC Comics.

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Philadelphia has gone dark and Jupiter is turning on Abigail. Will this put a stop to her plans? Find out in Killadellphia #11 from Image Comics!

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It is the history of Santa Claus that you never knew existed! We also review Firefly Blue Sun Rising #1, Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1, and Spawn #313! All this, plus a rundown on some pop culture news!

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The Original Savage Dragon is back, and he wants to know one thing: Why is his wife’s grave empty?  Your Major Spoilers review of Savage Dragon #255 from Image Comics awaits!

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It’s The Hulk and The Thing, one more time…  but it’s not their usual clash.  Your Major Spoilers review of Immortal Hulk #41 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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Five superhero presidents from five alternate universes must unravel the mystery of the death… of Empathy itself?  Your Major Spoilers review of Commanders In Crisis #3 from Image Comics awaits!

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In Post Americana #1, the Big Death has laid waste to the world.  The One Per Centers have retreated to the Bubble, while the rest of America dines out on itself.  But now the rebellion has just gotten started.  Will Truth, Justice and the American Way triumph? Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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In Head Lopper #14 Norgal and his companions are diverted to retrieve the Arnakian hammer from its guardian, the terrible Gorgon, Medusa!  Who will survive her stony gaze? Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!

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It’s the climactic battle between the twin stars of Draco and the daughters of Parsa! Who will survive and who will be changed forever? Find out in Sera and the Royal Stars #10 from Vault Comics!

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