Browsing: Hero History

The Folio Society, the independent publisher of beautifully illustrated hardback books, is paying tribute to Marvel’s epic storytelling tradition with Marvel Unforgettable Stories, a handsome, collectible 280-page hardcover that collects ten seminal Marvel stories selected by acclaimed writer and actor Patton Oswalt and acclaimed writer Jordan Blum.

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Moon Knight is on the hunt for an antidote to the new magical drug on the streets, his quest will take him to unexpected places. Your Major Spoilers review of Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #2, awaits!

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With Emma Frost now on the scene, old wounds and differing outlooks threaten to derail the team before they even start. Your Major Spoilers review of Exceptional X-Men #3, awaits!

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Young paragon, bearer of two heroic legacies and sweet tribute to her creator’s lost sibling.  She’s many things, but most of all, she’s a hero to her core.  This, then, is your Major Spoilers Hero History of Courtney Whitmore, the masked adventurer known as… Stargirl!

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There is a truism in the world of Hero Histories: The shorter the tenure, the simpler to put together.  When considering the history of a character dating back to the dawn of superheroic history, it is a very daunting matter to recount the entirety of their history, as even a fictional universe will have been through a lot of changes in 80 years.  Today’s entrant has had at least four notable iterations in her time, but today we focus specifically on the second of her major historical eras.  Some might call it the Silver Age version; an inaccurate designation, as…

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They say youth is wasted on the young, and that’s never more true than when it comes to superhuman powers.  With a few rare exceptions (like that Parker kid), a teenager with super-powers tends to get sidelined as a sidekick or wannabe, and even the far-flung future heroes of the Legion get flack for their characteristic idealism and impulsiveness, but that hasn’t stopped the likes of the New Warriors, the Teen Titans, and even Generation X from fighting their respective good fights.  So it was, some years ago, that a headstrong young man assembled his own league of justice in…

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