The Phantom Zone has nearly ended The Man of Steel. It’s a good thing his “big brother” has his back. What, you don’t remember Mon-El? Your Major Spoilers review of Action Comics #1073 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Mark Waid/Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Clayton Henry and Michael Shelfer/Skylar Patridge
Colorist: Matt Herms/Marissa Louise
Letterer: Dave Sharpe/Becca Carey
Editor: Paul Kaminski/Brittany Holzherr/Jillian Grant
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 30, 2024
Previously in Action Comics: It’s a race against time for Superman and Mon-El to prevent the lethal forces of Xa-Du and Aethyr from converging! But to save the present, the Man of Steel is forced to face the past! It’s the dramatic return of Krypton’s last son to his home world as the Man of Tomorrow voyages to the City of Yesterday!
After being challenged by a strange godlike being called Aethyr, Superman has traveled into the Phantom Zone, only to discover that things are not as simple as he thought. Nearly everyone in the Zone resents Kal-El due to the fact that his father, Jor-El, created the projectors that exiled them forever. Fortunately, his friend Mon-El (whom Superman had to send into the Phantom Zone to keep him from dying due to a fatal case of lead poisoning) is also there, lending his might and his leadership. Mon-El and Superman have taken command of a “ship,” but their foe, Xa-Du, has one of his own, leading to a battle on the metaphorical high seas of space, leaving Superman somewhere he never expected to go. At the same time, Super-Man and Kon-El are trapped in some sort of alien museum, which leaves Kon/Superboy flummoxed. Fortunately, Kenan/Super-Man knows a few things about relic hunters.
I was absolutely flummoxed by the presence of Mon-El in this issue, especially following recent All-In developments that point to a possible return of the Legion of Super-Heroes. But this issue shows us a very modern, unexpected Phantom Zone, with a Mon-El who has had to learn a few hard lessons in his years of exile, while Superman has to deal with a limited “battery” of power that keeps him from just fighting Aethyr head-to-head. The issue also gives a spotlight to Supergirl in a second feature that is just plain beautiful in its art, its plotting, and the lyrical nature of its musings. I also just plain LOVE Supergirl’s new leather jacket look. Both stories are strong, and Waid’s use of old-school plot points makes the entire Phantoms storyline a series of moments that make perfect sense, but are unlike what has gone before.
In short, though Action Comics #1073 costs a dollar extra, it contains TWO excellent chapters by creators working at the top of their game, and while there are a few bits of story that I’m puzzled about, they feel intentional, leaving the issue with 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. If you’re tracking the way to the promised Future of Horrors (including a certain purple-robed fellow in the pages of Superman), I suspect there are some stones within these pages.
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Two great stories, two different kinds of attractive art, and an unexpected homecoming for the Man of Steel makes for one you'll probably want to pick up, especially if, like me, you're plotting the course to a new Legion of Super-Heroes.