The Scarlet Witch is dead. The good news is that’s never stopped her before. Your Major Spoilers review of Scarlet Witch #2 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Jacapo Camagni
Colorist: Frank William
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 17, 2024
Previously in Scarlet Witch: The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will… and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda’s never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill’s survival on the aid of a sworn enemy.
The Scarlet Witch is dead at the hand of The Griever at the End of All Things, but her residual magics are still providing protection to the survivors of the town of Lotkill, thanks to her brother’s super-speed and her assistant, Darcy. Unfortunately, Quicksilver’s calls to The Avengers have gone unanswered, and while his new paramour M has erected a telekinetic barrier around the town, the other X-Men are in no shape to help. But Darcy still has a few ideas up her sleeve. As for Wanda herself, she is, as Miracle Max would explain, only mostly dead, and the last bit of her essence has landed near a crossroads in the afterlife, where she finds The Queen of Nevers awaiting her. The Queen gives The Witch a choice: Enjoy the peace and solitude of her just reward or fight her way back to the land of the living for a slim chance at saving her family.
Of course, being a hero, her choice is probably obvious.
The theme of family has been a cornerstone of Orlando’s run on the Scarlet Witch, allowing him to plumb decades of Marvel history through The Scarlet Witch’s various ties. The Queen of Nevers, who has chosen Wanda as her latest nexus in the battle against her “twin sister,” forces Wanda to fight an enemy of her son, Wiccan, while Quicksilver warns other heroes not to get involved, but is unsurprised when his sister, Polaris arrives. The issue features truly lovely art, as well, including a moment where the images of previous nexi (including Kang, Franklin Richards, Merlin, and Napoleon Bonaparte) appear within the swirling mass of the Queen of Never’s flesh. There are a number of occasions where Darcy and Quicksilver look like teenagers, which is a bit troubling for me, but everyone has an impressive range of expression, and the horrifying sight of Moridun and the shocking final page splash is impressive.
In short, Scarlet Witch #2 continues the streak of good stuff from Orlando and the artistic teams, giving us a Scarlet Witch in real danger after successfully establishing her bona fides as a universal protector throughout Volume 3, and doing so with strong, expressive art, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. The show-don’t-tell approach works to the advantage of the story AND the character, but also gives Wanda finally meeting someone who gives her a run for her money more weight.
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Though she's dead, Wanda's got her brother as well as a couple of other mutants known for not following orders, and a familiar foe blocking the road home. Very much worth the time, especially if you've been here since Volume 3, Number One.