The Titans have only a few hours to unravel Wally West’s murder before The Flash is dead for good. That’s assuming the Demolition Team doesn’t end the rest of the team first. Your Major Spoilers review of Titans #5 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Nicola Scott
Colorist: Anette Kwok
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Editor: Brittany Holzherr
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 21, 2023
Previously in Titans: The Titans are going green! As the team desperately attempts to heal the Borneo rainforest, they reach out to the only avatar that can help…Swamp Thing! Will the peaceful yet powerful giant be enough to stand up to the forces of evil? Or will the new and improved Demolition Crew wreck them all?
In the rainforest of Borneo, five Titans stand face-to-faceplate with The Demolition Team, as well as their massive, armored steamroller. As the mercenaries begin to attack, an angry Beast Boy steps forward to berate them, growing to ten feet in height. As his teammates subdue the Demolition Team, Beast Boy questions them, asking how they can justify the wanton destruction.
Elsewhere, on the planet Mars, Nightwing and Flash tour the team’s new trophy room, a hidden, super-secure structure where they keep the souvenirs of their missions, all the way back to the battle with Mister Twister. Wally points out the Qwardian Doomsday Machine, and somewhere, Anton Chekhov nods approvingly. Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, and Troy seek out the newest avatar of the Green, enlisting his help to begin repairing the damage to the rainforest, with help from Starfire. They manage to undo some of the damage, with Beast Boy transforming into swarms of insects to help pollinate the new plant life.
On Mars, a possessed Linda Park pushes the detonate button on the Qwardian Doomsday bomb.
The mystery of Tempest’s alliance with the Church of Eternity (formerly known as the Church of Blood) is explained in these pages, and we even get a sweet moment between Mr. and Mrs. West that reminds me of the halcyon days when he was the primary Flash. The star of the issue is Nicola Scott’s art, though, giving us incredibly dynamic versions of the Titans who are very clearly now young adults, including the most imposing Garfield Logan in the character’s history. As someone who doesn’t like Cyborg being able to fly, I have to admit that Scott’s rendition of flying Cyborg is just perfect, and the layouts are also clever and creative, supporting two big reveals in these pages. (One is about the elusive Brother Eternity, the other about Linda Park’s murderous intentions.) Taylor’s script handles the environmental themes well, even admitting that the heroes’ actions are just a start, which is an important admission. The premise that the Titans are gonna be the Justice League without the baggage is a good one, and I’m glad to see it’s still holding up at the end of the first arc.
I had lost track of this book for an issue or two, but Titans #5 was a positive enough reading experience that I went back to read the previous three, and the combination of Scott’s beautiful art and a script that lets the kid sidekicks take another step into adulthood makes it worth your time, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. If you’ve never thought that Beast Boy could be a bad@$$, this may be one for you.
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The creators are putting force behind the Titans as the premier super-team, and this issue both reads well and looks amazing. Well worthy checking into.