Sibling rivalry can be an ugly thing, but it’s even worse when it’s not your sister, but your alternate-universe self who bugs you. Your Major Spoilers review of Supergirl Special #1 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Skylar Patridge
Colorist: Marissa Louise
Letterer: Becca Carey
Editor: Brittany Holzherr
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: October 31, 2023
Previously in Supergirl Special: After joining the Superman Family and their heroic efforts in Metropolis, Kara thought she had found her place in the world. But there’s only room in town for one Supergirl, and Power Girl’s sudden reappearance has made her redundant. Her identity and role are both in question as she looks for answers.
Will they lead her out of the city… or out of this world?
As this issue opens, we are treated to a series of articles, social media posts, and online comments, all opining on the obvious tension between Supergirl and Power Girl. With both heroes working as part of the Superman family in Metropolis, it seems that everyone wants to pick sides, or worse, see them fight it out. Supergirl isn’t sure what to make of it all, but gets even more upset when the Super-Twins arrive to talk to her about what things were like on Krypton. Kara remembers Argo City itself, but when she tries to answer the question “What did you DO on Krypton?”, she can’t. Family dinner at Superman’s house goes by in a haze, and when Jon Kent tries to find out what’s bugging her, she once again can’t articulate the problem. Even a visit from Lois Lane and a few cupcakes can’t help clear her head.
Then, Power Girl flies in her window…
I’m actually torn about this issue, as I appreciate the intention of looking into Supergirl’s psyche and dealing with the unique problems of a young superhero. The problem for me comes in the fact that readers have already SEEN this conflict from the point-of-view of Power Girl, with their troubles seemingly hashed out. There’s also the question of whether the ten or so members of the cast are too many, given that this issue’s events might have easily been a traditional subplot in the core book. Patridge’s art is also in the positive column, giving each character a ton of personality, and making great use of the fact that Supergirl and Power Girl are doppelgangers. Their faces are structurally identical, but each hero has her own expressions, and it’s easy to tell them apart even when you can’t see the haircuts that are their most obvious differences.
The biggest concern I have with Supergirl Special #1 is that, by the end of the issue, nothing has actually happened to change the lives of Kara and the other Kara, and while it’s nice to see some quiet moments of conversation and cupcake-sharing, it’s not a six-dollar special worth of comics, wrapping up to 3 out of 5 stars overall. There’s a lot of charming stuff to be found in these pages, though, including some moments that parallel Tamaki’s Super: Being Human limited series a few years ago, so the hardcore fans of the Girl of Steel may disagree with me.
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The central conflict of the issue has already popped up and been resolved in the pages of Action Comics, which makes the general lack of urgency here even more puzzling.