Bermuda has been trapped on an island for most of her life. When a plane crashes down on her island, she finds herself having to baby a pampered rich kid, Bobby. Find out more in Bermuda #2 by IDW Publishing!
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Nick Bradshaw
Colorist: Len O’Grady
Letterer: John Layman
Editor: Scott Dunbier
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 18th, 2021
Previously in Bermuda: Bobby Randolph’s plane crashed on the mysterious island of Triangle. Bobby and her sister survived the crash only to be attacked by Mers. This is where Bermuda, a feisty teenager, comes in to save Bobby but is unable to help Andi. Bermuda has written off Andi as a lost cause because there is no fighting the Mers but Bobby has other plans.
Bermuda #2 starts with Doctor Nakamura waking Bermuda up saying that Bobby has gone missing. Bermuda struggles to get out of bed but ultimately decides to try and help find him. After a bit of tracking, Bermuda and Nakamura believe that he went to Piratetown, the only human settlement on Triangle. Meanwhile, Bobby enters a bar and finds himself in trouble. The Lafitte pirates want him to join the crew and sign a contract, but Bobby explains that he just wants to hire them to save Andi. The pirates refuse and threaten him to sign the contract to join the crew.
Luckily, Bermuda is there to cause trouble and drags Bobby to safety while also fighting off a bunch of armed pirates. As the trio leave, Bermuda resolves to help Bobby get Andi back. In the Mers encampment, they take Andi aside from the other slaves because they notice that she is special. Using some of her blood, they are able to see a vision of a major city!
I think that Bermuda #2 is a great comic to give to a younger reader. While there does seem to be a bit of violence and blood magic, I could see myself recommending this to a middle schooler. It is fun watching Bermuda’s confidence on the page as she does athletic feats. As an older reader, this comic lost some momentum. I wanted just a little more character development from Bobby and Bermuda. There is such an opportunity for a theme of family that I am saddened that it is lost in this issue. Nakamura talked briefly about Bermuda losing her parents, but it lacked emotional depth. In fact, it seems like they were treating it more as a fact to tell the reader then for any other reason.
This issue has really solid art though. The details are spectacular and incredibly detailed. A lot of times with detailed scenarios, the characters tend to blend in to the background. Here though, you can tell where all the characters are, and it doesn’t impede with the detail of the art. Great work here.
Bermuda #2 is a good premise that is targeted to a younger audience. As an adult reader, I found myself a little bored with the story. Regardless, I think this comic is a solid 4 out of 5 and will be reading the rest of the miniseries.
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Bermuda #2 has solid art and a decent narrative but lacks the emotional depth I want as an adult reader. For a middle schooler, this is a great title.