The end is here for the last surviving Earth. Can the Crisis Command cure the Cosmic Sepsis in time? Your Major Spoilers review of Commanders In Crisis #10 from Image Comics awaits!

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Davide Tinto
Colorist: Francesca Carotenuto
Letterer: Fabio Amelia
Editor: Davide G.G. Caci
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 7, 2021
Previously in Commanders In Crisis: The Crisis Command faces off with the Revenge Regiment as Frontier and Originator pump Doctor Dracula, the blood historian, for information that could save us all! But even if the Crisis Command can defeat Executrix’s crazed clones, what’ll they do about the skies turning deadly purple? The apocalypse is here!
Prizefighter is dead, fallen in combat with Frontier’s dimensional duplicates, leaving Sawbones and Seer outmatched and outgunned. When all seems lost, Originator arrives with her own ace in the hole: The Radio Sapiens! The short-term win leads to tragedy when one of the villains uses her own powers to destroy them all, leading to a three-on-four battle that won’t end well for the Crisis Command. Even the news helicopters circling can tell that it’s serious, with Prizefighter’s boyfriend broadcasting live on the scene and hashtagging the fallen hero. As the battle rages on, things seem grim, until the biggest of the villains is suddenly decked by a mean right cross… from Prizefighter! When asked if why he’s not dead, he sneers, “Dead? I’m TRENDING!” At the top of the world, Frontier faces down the evil Executrix, who reveals that she’s immune to all technology…
…so Frontier drops her gimmicked armor and prepares to handle the matter with her fists.
Commanders In Crisis #10 reminds me of the comics I grew up reading in the 1980s, with multiple plotlines intertwining and moving back-and-forth from forefront to back burner, all making for exciting drama and transitional moments that always work. It’s pretty remarkable stuff, made even more so by Tinto’s art. The Prizefighter reveal is handled with an almost-cinematic sequencing, and I love how well it plays out. The issue’s only real downside for me is some confusion about the evil plan as regards the United States legislature (and something about bird masks?), but even that confusion doesn’t entirely derail the well-handled plotting and art of this issue. I find it interesting that fans of Loki on Disney+ might be able to pick up this series and find a similar plot playing out, something that’s worth pointing out if you haven’t picked up the book yet.
As one who has been enamored of this book since the first issue, Commanders In Crisis #10 once again ups the ante in interesting ways, and even though there are some things I didn’t quite get, I am excited for the last two issues of the story, with the quality story and art I’ve come to expect from this book, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. If you’re looking for a comic that feels classic and modern all at once, this is the comic book for you.
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The team is nearing the homestretch, and the story and art are upping their game accordingly. Still one of my favorite monthly books.