Lois is ready to really kick her investigation into gear, but first she needs to handle a new set of problems once a certain big blue boyscout comes to town. Elsewhere, Renee Montoya comes face to face(?) with someone she least expected. Your Major Spoilers review awaits!
Browsing: Greg Rucka
Huge amounts of money shifting hands and the death of a fellow journalist – is there a sinister plot beneath it all? Find out in Lois Lane #2!
The beginning of a new series featuring ace reporter Lois Lane. America is coming apart at the seams as an administration built on graft and corruption lurches from one crisis to another. Daily Planet investigative reporter Lois Lane is in Chicago digging up malfeasance on a grand scale, fighting the good fight for Truth, Justice and the American way. Can she shine a light on the forces arrayed against her? Find out in our stunning Major Spoilers review!
DC Comics has announced Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins launching Lois Lane, a 12-issue maxiseries, that kicks off on July 3rd.
I know I’ve been talking about DC for a few weeks, but IMHO they’ve been…
Fans of Lazarus will be happy to hear a new six-issue miniseries will launch in…
Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and…
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Wonder Woman #21 by Greg Rucka and Liam Sharp.
On the heels of the announcement that Greg Rucka is leaving Wonder Woman, DC Comics…
With Wonder Woman about to get a lot of attention in the coming months thanks…
A conspiracy has targeted Wonder Woman and her friends, and casualties are starting to mount… …
Wonder Woman comes face to face with Poison this week in Wonder Woman #19 from DC Comics.
Here is an early look at Greg Rucka and Bilquis Evely’s Wonder Woman #18 from DC Comics.
The premise on this comic is a simple and compelling one: What would you do…