Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.

Ghost-Spider teams up with Sue and Johnny Storm but… aren’t they dead?  Your Major Spoilers review of Ghost-Spider #9 awaits!

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An Atlantean outpost has called for aid…  but will they survive til the League arrives?  Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League #44 awaits!

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It’s “vampires versus aliens” in this action-oriented ongoing comic series. An alien abduction doesn’t go as planned as two friends find they must save Earth from invaders who see humanity as our planet’s worst enemies!

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In Superman: Man of Tomorrow #4 from DC Comics Clark Kent is hot on the trail of a mystery that stretches back decades.  A creature seeking revenge, a land baron hiding his secrets – and Superman stuck in the middle!  All this and more in your next Major Spoilers review!

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Dr. Hancock has been sent to the moon, and that’s just the beginning of the strange things he’s about to experience.  Your Major Spoilers review of The Osiris Path #1 awaits.

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Torn between a good life and a good night’s sleep, Callie will push herself to the limits for her biggest heist ever.  Your Major Spoilers review of Hearththrob: Season 3 #4 awaits!

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Darn right we are talkin’ Heck-Boy and his adventures in the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks this week, so if discussions of digital comics, Lois Lane #10, Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #4, Rogue Planet #1, or The Doctors Are Out are too much for your young-uns, you better cover their ears now!

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Flash: Fastest Man Alive is a digital mini-series from DC Comics that’s been helping fill the gap while the local shops are down. It’s an entertaining romp featuring science, super-speed, and a rookie hero there to help the Flash make it out alive!

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