Whoever said print is dead, hasn’t been to the library recently. More specifically, they haven’t checked out Zenescope’s latest offering, Grimm Fairy Tales Presents – The Library #2. Greek warriors, dinosaurs, gunslingers and more await you.
Author: Mike McLarty
A cute naked girl shows up at your beachside doorstep. She wants to know if you have something she can wear. Welcome to Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends #8. If this whole thing sounds a little fishy, take the plunge.
Our two heroines travel to the Inferno, intent on confronting a powerful demon that knows where both their children are located. The final chapter of The Dream Eater Saga is unfolding so there’s little time left for Sela & Belinda to save the Zenescope universe. Are they one step closer to victory?
Sometimes one’s job requires sacrifice. Phoebe’s husband has made such a sacrifice in his life, and she’d like to do something about it. Can she bring peace to one of Love’s stewards? Charmed #4 from Zenescope Entertainment answers that question.
Demonic possession has a way of negatively impacting a family. Little Luke has the devil in ‘im, and with Father Thomas at his bed side, The Haunting #2 is primed for some pea-soup goodness. You’ll need to read on to find out if it pays off.
The roots of the Zenescope Universe date back to The Big Bang, and Grimm Fairy Tales #64 reveals a lot of relevant information. If you’re guilty of judging a book by its cover and assuming that these books are nothing but T&A, you’re mistaken. Jump in and find out just how wrong you’ve been.
A young couple heads to an old-fashioned movie theater to check out the latest horror movie. He’s way into scary movies and she endures his genre libido. Is this just another night out on the town for our moviegoers, or is this representative of a violent new spin on the term, ‘director’s CUT?’ Grab some popcorn and an $8.00 soda – it’s time for Zenescope’s very own, The Theater #1.
It’s the old west, and zombies are looking to chew up everyone in their path. Zenescope’s Brimstone #5 charts a 350-word path of destruction within the enclosed 22 pages. Does anyone make it out alive…including the reader? Saddle up and find out!
Ex-girlfriends can represent painful experiences for many of us. If you feel that someone from your past did you wrong, I’m willing to bet the pain you find within the pages of Zenescope’s Fly #4 will surpass your personal discomfort threshold. That’s not even counting the actual STORY! Jump, if you dare…
Feel yourself being pulled in several different directions simultaneously? One of the Charmed sisters has a very unique perspective on dealing with this challenge. Charmed #13 takes multi-tasking to an entirely new level.
Replete in a schoolgirl uniform, our heroine faces against the terrors residing within a mysterious library. Will she be able to brave the beasts in the books without getting any nasty paper cuts…or worse? Zenescope brings you Grimm Fairy Tales Presents – The Library #1.
In recent years, there have been numerous efforts to inject the character of Aquaman with some chutzpah. Arthur is the King of Atlantis, one would think he’d be entitled to some dignity. Instead, he’s been the brunt of ridicule for a long stretch of his career. But this is a new universe, offering the titular hero one last opportunity to be embraced by comics fandom. Does this first issue simply tread water?
Superman has been called The Man of Tomorrow. In Superman #1, writer George Perez is focused on transforming him into the Man of Today. He’s back in his own #1 issue by virtue of DC’s new relaunch. Clark Kent is much younger than we remember, and his place in the world in and out of the costume is different in this new continuity. How successful is Perez at bringing Superman into the world of 2011? Take the jump and be prepared to share in my disappointment.
Nightwing has been away for almost a year. Dick Grayson had been a little busy with some other responsibilities. You know, like assuming the mantle of Gotham’s Biggest Badass, The Gosh Darned Batman! Now that he’s back on the scene, we can learn how DC’s relaunch has impacted Bruce Wayne’s first adopted son. How can you find out? Well, besides buying the comic, the next best thing you can do is take the JUMP.