A teenage Wally West is on the run. He has nowhere to go, and the only thing he can do is keep running from all that has happened. Your Major Spoilers review of Absolute Flash #1 awaits!

Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Nick Robles
Colorist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Editor: Andrew Marino
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: March 19th, 2025
Previously in Absolute Flash: Wally West was an army brat. He’s been all over due to his father’s job and because of this, he has no friends. Thankfully, a young scientist named Barry Allen has taken a liking to him and wants to show him Project Olympus.
Absolute Flash #1 opens with Wally West in the desert, barely keeping it together. His mind is racing as he tries to work out what has happened. Things then go back two days, and Wally is wandering around town. He makes it back to the military base he lives on but finds out he’s past curfew. Before he gets in trouble, Barry Allen arrives and escorts him in. The two talk for a bit and then Barry invites him to see what is being worked on at the base. Barry and Wally’s dad are working on Project Olympus, which has something to do with physics and biology. Wally’s dad arrives and isn’t happy. Back in the present, Wally discovers he’s being tracked by a boomerang-shaped drone and a group of colorful hunters. In the past, Wally and his dad get into it. Wally runs out of the house to talk to Barry in the lab. When he gets there, a big explosion happens. In the present Wally continues to run, only taking enough time to remember what had happened after the explosion.
Stories of young people either on the run, or ostracized from society, are kind of Jeff Lemire’s bread and butter. For good reasons, he does them very well. That track record continues its winning streak here in Absolute Flash #1. It’s astounding how quickly and efficiently the stakes of this series are established, without there needing to be any big info dumps or cut corners. We find out simply through natural-sounding conversations that Wally’s mom is dead, he’s been shipped around the country, he doesn’t have friends, what his dad is working on, why it’s dangerous, and why he knows about it would warrant him being chased. Now, while this is a well-crafted section of a story, it doesn’t quite hit the mark when it comes to what we’ve come to expect from the Absolute books so far. While this is certainly a new take on the character, it doesn’t feel like it’s telling a new story. That is because, while he is very good at it, this so far is something you’d expect from Jeff Lemire.
Visually, Absolute Flash #1 is all about motion. Not only do we get a lot of people moving around from panel to panel, but there’s also a lot of work with the page layouts to convey this as well. Small panels are layered and stacked on top of full-page spreads, which forces the eye to dart from one to the next. There are also some moments when it looks like Wally is struggling to keep himself in one place, and the way they do this is hard to describe, but it forces the reader to empathize with that feeling as you try and track Wally’s movements.
It’s hard to deny the success that the Absolute lineup has been for DC Comics and Absolute Flash #1 just adds to that. Seeing Wally in this somewhat more dire origin and taking away his support system is a compelling way to establish this character in this universe. The only problem is that this story feels just a bit too similar to some of the other things the writer has done in the past. Visually though, it’s a knockout. Solid line art mixed with a commitment to conveying speed and movement makes this just a wonderful thing to look at. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Absolute Flash #1
Absolute Flash #1 is a tightly written comic that establishes the plight of Wally West quickly and efficiently, it’s just not very original. Strong visuals help to keep this issue moving along and gives the reader a taste of what it’s like to be Wally.