For Dani to live, Kyoko must DIE. That’s especially complex, as Dani and Kyoko are the same person. Your Major Spoilers review of Camgirl from AWA Studios awaits!
Writer: Sarah H. Cho
Artist: C.P. Smith
Colorist: C.P. Smith
Letterer: Steve Wands
Publisher: AWA Studios
Cover Price: $6.99
Release Date: February 12, 2025
Previously in Camgirl: Dani is independent, she loves to party, and she makes a whole lot of money. Kyoko, Dani’s online alter-ego, on the other hand, is obedient and exotic, a walking stereotype that caters to her customers’ basest fantasies. When one of Kyoko’s most ardent followers starts to send her increasingly threatening messages, Dani has to face the overwhelming reality of having her two lives intertwine, threatening her safety, her sanity… and her survival.
Dani Park’s life hasn’t gone the way she thought it would. Once an up-and-coming coding wizard rising the ranks in Silicon Valley, she suffered a psychotic break that drove her from her industry. Since then, she has created a life as an online camgirl, providing an interactive experience to her fans, as long as they can afford the tip. Her boyfriend, Ryan, is supportive of her double life, less so of her predilection for drugs and alcohol, and her family has essentially written her off after someone spilled the truth about her new job. Her best friend worries that she has given up on herself, with her “day job” as Kyoko the stereotypical Asian fantasy slowly removing Dani’s identity. That proves to be prophetic when one of her regular clients starts overstepping, telling her things about her life, her schedule, and her real identity that he shouldn’t know.
And then the message that changes everything: “Are you okay, Dani?”
A story about a sex worker has a lot of built-in pitfalls, but writer Sarah H. Cho manages to sidestep nearly all of them in these pages. Danielle Park is a nuanced character, smart, capable, and self-assured, but she’s also a woman with a history of mental illness, which allows her to doubt her own narrative perspective. It’s a smart choice, adding an unexpected element. The script also unpacks her life and her baggage naturally, with each reveal making sense not only in the story, but within the logic of Dani’s life. The art is seamlessly integrated, and the change in demeanor, expression, and even posture that marks the transformation to Kyoko is beautifully conveyed on the page. As Dani’s mind seems to unravel, the layouts get more chaotic, until the beautifully handled reveal that leads to the denouement, and the point where Ms. Park finally takes control of her own narrative.
In short, if you’re the kind of person who enjoys a good psychosexual thriller in the vein of Body Heat or Bound, this might be the comic book for you. In the back matter, Sarah Cho explains that Camgirl is a very personal story for her, and there’s a lot to unpack in these pages, from the racism of Asian fetishes to the psychological analysis of a woman leading a double life to the destigmatization of sex work, but it’s all handled in an interesting way, wrapping up to a well-deserved 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. My only complaint about this story is in its brevity, as I would have enjoyed more of Dani’s descent and especially more of what happens afterward.
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An intense, visually stunning story whose only actual weakness is in the format and page-count. Well worth your time.