Hal Jordan has reached Planet Oa. Now he just has to figure out how to free it from the evil regime it’s currently found itself under. Your Major Spoilers Review of Green Lantern #10 from DC Comics, awaits!

Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artists: Xermanico and Amancay Nahuelpan
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 9th, 2024
Previously in Green Lantern: The power batteries that control the rings of the different colored lanterns are being destroyed while at the same time, strange Lanterns with the ability to change their power source have arrived. Meanwhile, Hal Jordan has reached Oa and has met up with Green Lantern Jo Mullein who has been hiding out on the planet from the power-hungry bureaucrat who’s taken control of it.
Green Lantern #10 opens with Jo giving Hal a rundown on what things have been like on Oa, how they’ve managed to move around undetected, and what their plan so far is. He’s then reunited with some of his old Green Lantern Corps comrades, including Kyle Rayner. Later on, Hal and Jo spy on the person in charge of Oa, Thaaros, who’s trying to find a way inside The Source Lantern. They’re then interrupted by the arrival of Baz who informs Jo that he’s found where Thaaros has been keeping Keli. The trio travels to the location. Against Jo’s advice, Hal barges in and tries to rescue Keli, but the scientists who are experimenting on her manage to escape with her. They are able to capture one of the United Planets Green Lanterns though. In a follow-up story, Guy Gardner is on the hunt for Lobo in the first of a three-part story that will tie into the House of Braniac story as well as the Trinity of Evil event.
While Green Lantern has been a pretty Hal Jordan-centric title since this run started, it’s managed to let other characters shine and that is especially true in Green Lantern #10. A central theme of this issue is the differences between Hal and the other Lanterns. It’s Jo who takes the lead here, even though she’s the newest Green Lantern and isn’t afraid to tell the veteran that in this situation, he’s the newbie. It’s a fun bit of chemistry that manages to not devolve into a “Who’s right? Who’s wrong?” sort of situation, but something deeper. These differences in approach don’t get a lot of time to play out though. This is a quick-moving comic and while the efficiency in how it gets through some backstory is much appreciated, in other areas it would have been nice to let things simmer just a few panels more. This ultimately feels like connective tissue bridging the gap between more consequential chapters in this plot, even if it’s interesting and well-crafted connective tissue.
Everything in Green Lantern #10 looks good. It might not be the flashiest-looking comic, but there’s nothing here to criticize either. One area that stood out though was something that you don’t see a lot in comics these days and that’s the attention to the continuity between panels. Especially towards the end during the attempted rescue of Keli, each panel not only has a clear connection to the one before it, but it also has little details that are then picked up in the next one. It’s nothing revolutionary, but it’s enough to make this stand out visually.
Green Lantern #10 is an efficiently written comic book that does a lot to set up things that are coming down the road and while these things are interesting, they don’t get a lot of time to develop. Some nice character interactions and solid art make this worth a read though, regardless of how short it feels. 4 out of 5 stars.
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Green Lantern #10
Green Lantern #10 is more concerned with building up to something else than it is with being something substantial on its own. Yet, it still manages to feature some complex chemistry emerge while letting some characters other than Hal Jordan shine.