There’s a new Punisher in town, but caught between organized crime and government agencies, his career might be shorter than the last guy. Your Major Spoilers review of Punisher #2 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Dave Wachter
Colorist: Dave Wachter
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: December 13, 2023
Previously in Punisher: Deep in the heart of New York City, the crime lord known as the Offer trades in every currency on the planet. Barricaded within his fortified tower, he is defended by an army of guards, the latest in cutting-edge security, and a team of stone-cold supervillains capable of slaughtering a battalion. With the limitless resources at his disposal, the Offer thinks he is untouchable. He’s about to learn that no one escapes the Punisher.
After a high-profile confrontation with Mister Hyde in the subway last issue, Joe Garrison has officially been dubbed The Punisher by the media and is on the radar of law enforcement. He’s also starting to become a problem for the crime lords of New York City, especially a mid-level boss known as The Offer, whose skills with negotiation are legendary. Though Garrison isn’t really impressed at being called The Punisher, he’s happy with the extra mystique it gives him, as he cuts through The Offer’s superhuman security team in no time, and takes advantage of the capo’s fear of his skull-faced legacy. Garrison is shocked when he learns the truth about the hit that killed his family, changing the direction of his proverbial roaring rampage of revenge… but doesn’t dispel his rage.
My favorite part of the issue was seeing Punisher facing a quartet of villains working for The Offer (The Eel, Finesse of Avengers Academy, a new Doughboy, and minor Daredevil foe Bushmaster), a detail that pushes everything squarely into Marvel history. That’s kind of important, since the basics of the story are the same bones as John Wick or Kingsman, with Joe as a former killer who thought he was out of the business. While I appreciate that he’s only called The Punisher because of the coincidental skull shape of his armor plating, there are a couple of moments that strain credulity (not the least of which is that SHIELD had a wetworks division in the first place.) Dave Wachter’s art is the star here, especially in making the freaky powers of Bushmaster look amazing, but even the most mundane moments are visually interesting. The final page reveal of the fate of The Offer is incredibly cinematic in its presentation.
All in all, the death of Frank Castle has led to an interesting, maybe even post-modern era of Marvel’s biggest antihero, and Punisher #2 shows that well, with well-done art and coloring giving life to a story whose antecedents may be a little too noticeable, but which shows off some of the fun parts of a shared universe story, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall.
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A former professional killer, Joe Garrison's background and experiences are incredibly common story beats, almost cliché, but matched with above-average art.
Marvel should really give this a long-term chance.