Civil War in Arakko: Storm and the Brotherhood vs. Genesis and the Staff of Annihilation in X-Men Red #15 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Yildiray Cinar
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Editor: Jordan White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 13th, 2023
Previously in X-Men Red: Storm introduced a more peaceful existence to Arakko, suggesting that war is not always the best solution. However, with Genesis’ return, the survival-of-the-fittest mentality allowed her to execute a hostile takeover of the Great Ring. Now, the mutants of Krakoa take sides to figure out which way of life suits the Arakkii people.
X-Men Red #15 provides some insight into who the Fisher King is. He was born in the Prisons of Amenth and refused to bend the knee to Annihilation. During that time, he met someone known as Azaroth, who stripped away every memory of him until he became invisible. He then meets Zsora, and they create the first Seats of Night. However, they are betrayed by Solen, and Zsora is killed to protect Fisher King and his children.
In the present, both sides of Arakko are preparing for battle over the water. Genesis summons a sea monster, but it is no match for Storm’s power. However, it is a trap as it calls a Gate from the beast’s corpse. And through the Gate, the Four Horsemen arrive with the White Sword and an army of Amenth demons.
Maybe it’s my headspace or fatigue, but I left X-Men Red #15 confused. Many of these mutants don’t have the history that Krakoan mutants have, and in some ways, I feel that they are being treated as if they do. I don’t see all the connections between the Fisher King’s past and present, and I want to know more because the character’s enigma has been an engaging part of this comic title. But I find myself having to Google who some of these mutants are just to try and keep up. I read a lot of comics, and I think I am pretty well-versed in what is going on, so having to do this much research concerns me. For example, Solen appeared in this issue and played a small part in the X of Swords event. But the story shows him without explaining the significance, so it feels like a cameo of a character who isn’t popular enough to receive one.
The art is outstanding, and I am impressed with the quality and character design here. Specifically, Zsora looks really cool on the page, even at the moment of her death.
I’m not sure how to rate X-Men Red #15. On the one hand, my confusion may be due to my current headspace or ignorance of the Arakko storyline. But on the other hand, I am paid to review comics and should, in theory, be the target audience. Is this a gap in my knowledge, or is everyone as confused as me? With all that in mind, I will give this comic a 3 out of 5 stars.
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X-Men Red #15
X-Men Red #15 confused me with the introduction of Arakko storylines that I did not quite understand.