If your need is great and your hope is gone, you might meet The Scarlet Witch… even if you live deep in the intergalactic Kree empire. Your Major Spoilers review of Scarlet Witch #6 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Lorenzo Tammetta & Sara Pichelli
Colorist: Frank William
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 12, 2023
Previously in Scarlet Witch: Wanda’s loyalties are tested when an enemy of the Kree/Skrull Empire falls through the Last Door desperate for help avenging their fallen comrades. Will Wanda honor the commitment she made to help those in need – whoever they are – or will her love for her son Wiccan and his husband, Hulkling, triumph over all? Plus, a familiar figure appears at Wanda’s shop… and it seems rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated. But does he come as friend or foe?
In the depths of space, the Pursuers of the Kree Empire finally track down one of their most wanted fugitives, the warrior called Ganymede. But before they can execute her for her “crimes,” The Last Door appears, transporting her into the presence of The Scarlet Witch. Of course, the complications of that particular savior are quickly made clear, as Wanda has to reveal to the alien that the king of the very empire that has been chasing her is Wanda’s own son-in-law. Teleporting to planet Hala, the Scarlet Witch petitions Emperor Hulkling for aid, but the culprits are revealed to be a sub-sect of Skrulls, putting him in the difficult position of having to choose whether to destabilize the newly built Kree/Skrull Alliance or give up on his lifelong pursuit of justice. He chooses Alexander’s approach to the Gordian Knot, handing his Star-Sword to the one person he knows will use it wisely: The Scarlet Mother-In-Law!
I love the fact that, rather than create someone new out of the blue, Orlando revives Ganymede, last seen in 1995 battling the Tyrant in outer space. Her feud with the Blood Skrulls who killed her sisters thus has existing continuity precedents, which makes the effectiveness of the scripting that much more impressive. As for the resolution, it’s nice to see The Scarlet Witch using wisdom to repair the situation in a way that allows Wiccan and Hulkling to be both leaders and heroes. But the moment where Blood Skrulls try to attack her, only to find that her power is still titanic. The credits don’t explain how Tammetta and Pichelli split the art chores, but there aren’t any transitional points or moments that make it feel like two separate teams. The appearance of the Last Door is a really impressive layout, with the exit appearing as Ganymede is blasted backward by an attack, making it feel like she falls into and through the door.
The most shocking moment of all comes at the end of The Scarlet Witch #6, as Darcy calls in a metal specialist who has a lot of history with Wanda, but the overall package is excellent, as Orlando continues to play with the history of the Marvel Universe, continuing to show us The Scarlet Witch as a heavyweight player and looking great as it does, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. I can’t wait to see how she deals with the return of Magneto next time around.
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Wanda reunites with both son and father, and faces the prospect of intergalactic war, all before breakfast. It makes really good comics.