She-Hulk isn’t sure why The Scoundrel keeps seeking her out, but she’s determined to find out. Ever if she already has a boyfriend… Your Major Spoilers review of She-Hulk #14 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Rainbow Rowell
Artist: Andres Genolet
Colorist: Dee Cunniffe
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 28, 2023
Previously in She-Hulk: The secret history of The Scoundrel revealed! The coolest new villain of 2023 has been shrouded in mystery, but She-Hulk is putting on her detective hat and getting to the bottom of it?
We open at the Baxter Building, as She-Hulk and the Fantastic Four debrief after the recent robbery there, in which The Scoundrel stole unknown components. following up with a theft of uranium. Mister Fantastic is worried that he’s trying to create a bomb, but She-Hulk is sure that he’s not a “bomb guy.” She’s also trying not to notice his obvious romantic interest in her, something that all four of her former teammates point out. After another confounding discussion with her main squeeze, Jack of Hearts, She-Hulk is stunned to get a second phone call, from The Scoundrel himself, inviting her to… dance with him? It’s all very meet-cute stuff, and she’s definitely responding to his advances, whether she intends to or not, until he lets her know one big secret.
He’s not a bomb guy, but the alien that he stole the uranium for is, and is about to blow up the entire island of Manhattan.
The slow burn on Jennifer’s relationship with Jack is maddening, in the most entertaining way, which makes for some good old-fashioned soap opera confusion as she becomes more and more involved in The Scoundrel’s nonsense. The reveal at the end of the issue is also well-done, especially when she responds by punching him through a wall and into the city of New York. I also like how the superhero elements of She-Hulk’s story are always present, but that the crux of She-Hulk has been about her as a lawyer and a woman making her place in the world. Genolet’s art fits perfectly with that expectation, and aside from her height and verdant hue, the scene of She-Hulk and “Nicolas” dancing could have been from any number of romantic comedy films featuring Rachel McAdams or Ginnfer Goodwin.
The ending makes She-Hulk #14 unexpected, taking an issue worth of romantic tension and dispersing it into a very real explosion about an even bigger possible explosion, with detailed and expressive art that pulls it all together for 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. If you haven’t been reading her book, you’re missing out on some really well-done comics that manage to also be interesting soap opera stories, highlighting the similarities between the forms.
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She-Hulk's life continues to be complicated, but it's all fascinating to read about, and the art looks really good.