Two Nick Furys, no waiting! But will even the father/son team be enough to unlock the secrets of S.C.O.R.P.I.O.? Your Major Spoilers review of Fury #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Scot Eaton/Cam Smith/Tom Reilly/Adam Kubert/Ramon Rosanas
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: May 24, 2023
Previously in Fury: A glamorous rogue agent with a deadly secret lures NICK FURY into the action-thriller of a lifetime… his father’s! Following the trail opens unseen files from Nick Fury dating from the Howlin’ ’40s, the Swingin’ ’60s, and today! It’ll take more than one Nick Fury to unlock a mystery decades in the making – and to answer the question… Who is S.C.O.R.P.I.O.?
With the dissolution of SHIELD in the wake of Secret Empire (if you’ve already forgotten about Hydra Captain America, don’t feel bad), Nick Fury, Jr. has been at loose ends. This issue finds him infiltrating a secret facility, chasing after a ghost. It’s almost literally true, as he finds that he was lured to the site by a message from the newest incarnation of Scorpio, a young woman calling herself S.C.O.R.P.I.O. He finds her more than his match in both combat and the art of spy craft, but she’s only slightly sneakier, escaping with the legendary Zodiac Key. In order to figure out what she wants, Fury digs through old SHIELD visi-files (a special method of recording the group’s activities that look exactly like our world’s comic books. The information inside reveals missing pieces of both his father’s spy days and also a WWII adventure with the Howling Commandos, leading Fury and S.C.O.R.P.I.O. to a most unexpected place: The Blue Area of the Moon!
The remainder of the book reunites Nick with his missing father, who has spent the last few years on the moon, calling himself The Unseen and taking the place of Uatu, Earth’s Watcher, and resolves a number of dangling plot lines at once. It also leaves Nick Jr. once again as Earth-616’s primary Fury, ready to rebuild SHIELD for a new era. I appreciate the attention to detail in these pages, with the new S.C.O.R.P.I.O. having a relationship to one of elder Nick’s ’60s supporting cast, while the flashbacks are designed to resemble lost issues of Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD and Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos. It’s a really neat touch, but the varying art styles become a bit distracting by the end of the 40 pages. It also takes Nick from solo agent in the wind to the leader of a new, possibly cosmic, SHIELD a little more quickly than seems realistic to me as a reader.
As someone who has lamented the loss of the traditional super-spy characters in modern stories, I find the return to guts-and-gadgets espionage of Fury #1 narratively satisfying on some levels, as I have wanted to see SHIELD reform pretty much ever since the ridiculousness of Secret Empire, but also can’t quite call the balance of flashback/tribute to new story perfect, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I do wish that some of the events herein had been gradually built up in another series, but overall, I’m looking forward to seeing where Fury goes from here.
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A celebration of both Nick Furys and a possible new day for SHIELD, all wrapped in some slightly overdone tributes.