Krakoa and Arakko have struggled against Brand’s schemes and the Sins of Sinister. Find out if Storm gets a break in X-Men Red #11 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Stefano Caselli and Jacopo Camagni
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 10th, 2023
Previously in X-Men Red: Storm and Magneto were accepted into Arakko culture, creating a brotherhood of mutants there. Since their acceptance, they have struggled with the A.X.E. event and thwarted galactic war at the hands of Brand. Unfortunately, Magneto died saving the world from Uranos. Due to the Sins of Sinister event, no one has had significant time to process the event.
X-Men Red #11 starts with a moment of peace with Storm going on a date with Craig Marshall, a human who has made Arakko his home for research. Suddenly she is called away by Xavier. Annoyed by the interruption, Storm figures it is serious, but when she arrives, Charles Xavier demands to know Magneto’s last words. Storm fights Charles’s insistence and is reminded of his manipulation in the past. They argue that his X-Men saving the world was more important than the people she helped when she was a goddess. Charles Xavier then uses Magneto’s false name, Erik, instead of the birth name he returned to, Max. Then Professor X does the unthinkable. He tries to take the information from Storm forcefully.
Storm resists Professor X’s psychic attack, and Charles breaks down and says he is perhaps no better than Sinister. He could have saved millions if he had used his power on Sinister. Instead, Charles attacked Storm because he got angry. Storm comforts Professor X one more time before declaring they are no longer friends.
Meanwhile, on Arakko, Sunspot and Nova observe someone coming through the Eternal Gate. A figure who says the White Sword has fallen and Genesis is coming appears.
I always thought Xavier took in lost kids to help them in a dangerous world. As an adult reflecting on those old stories, clearly, I was mistaken somewhere. X-Men Red #11 shines an unflattering light on Professor X, who does anything, even evil, to get what he perceives he needs. And Xavier shows he doesn’t have many people in his corner. When this confrontation happened, I tensed up throughout the story. I even breathed a sigh of relief when Storm resisted the psychic attack. Despite not having direct hostilities between these two, Al Ewing managed to take all the tension of many years of X-Men and present an agitated situation. And it was thrilling to read and look at.
I hope Professor X steps down as a leader and we get some new stories that don’t feature him. Watching his actions towards the various comics in the last few years shows that the character isn’t empathetic enough to be the best leader. I am interested to see how that develops in future issues. Especially if Genesis and possibly Apocalypse are returning.
On top of engaging writing, the art was vivid as well. Storm is a dynamic character, and her recent character designs are involved. Watching that initial dress with her on a date that transitions to her spiked shoulder pieces and hairstyle in her regular get-up shows the versatility of the character. Great work here.
I’m not thrilled with all the decisions that the X-Men mythos has made in the last year or so, but X-Men #11 shows that there are great stories to tell. I am thrilled to read the following issues and see how this all works together. X-Men Red #11 is a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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X-Men Red #11 shows a conflict between Storm and Professor X that I wasn’t expected to be addressed in such a dynamic and thrilling way.