The Incredible Hulk. The Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing. Two of the most powerful beings on Earth are about to face a literal army of demons. I’m still betting on Team Orange and Green. Your Major Spoilers review of Clobberin’ Time #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Steve Skroce
Artist: Steve Skroce
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 29, 2023
Previously in Clobberin’ Time: The Thing and the Incredible Hulk are stranded on a distant, ancient, alien world, where the duo must protect an ancient people against legions of Deviant hordes and ultimately face the wrath of a Celestial.
Luckily, they have four fists between them!
The good old days of Marvel Two-In-One have returned, and we open with a Watcher… Not THE Watcher, but one of his race, who explains from a future vantage point that the Age of Heroes was filled with important moments, including this one. Cut to the Baxter Building, where Ben Grimm arrives with lunch for himself, his best friend Reed, and their consulting scientist, Dr. Bruce Banner. Reed is otherwise occupied, leaving The Thing and the erstwhile Hulk to talk about the Hulk’s current state of being. Before they can finish their friendly meal of matzoh ball soup, an intruder arrives to steal some of the Fantastic Four’s technology. Ben swats the thief down, only to have his foe open a portal and shove him and Banner through. On the other side, they find a civilization under siege! Vowing to help, the heroes prepare to defend the alien village, only to be faced with a six-story-tall kaiju.
“How’s the blood pressure, Doc?”, asks The Thing, as Banner takes off his glasses.
What follows is some fun, classic Marvel fighty-fighty, featuring one of the oldest rivalries in the Marvel U., with a few fun new twists. Ben takes the time to plan important battle strategies, but The Hulk (back in surly classic mode here) has no time for his “jibber jabber.” The monster falls, but the two monster heroes still have work to do, leading to some intricate and impressive battle sequences. When I saw this issue’s cover, I worried about the ol’ bait-and-switch, but Steve Skroce makes the entire issue looks as detailed and impressive as the front of the story, including a final page where both heroes, battered and bleeding, have returned to FF headquarters with Reed not realizing they were ever gone. The ominous bits of story that will build up the next issue and, presumably, an arc or two worth of issues, are interspersed within the issue, but the real draw is in seeing Marvel’s most tenured strong men battling it out with an army of demons under Skroce’s pen.
It can be tough to do a mostly action issue and have it feel satisfying and meaningful, but Clobberin’ Time #1 strikes the balance perfectly, building on six decades of orange-and-green frenemies and crafting a story around two big fights and their consequences and nailing it for 5 out of 5 stars overall. I’m very impressed by how successful this comic book is, as both a single issue and as a number one, and I’m looking forward to more of this caliber of work.
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Two of Marvel's oldest heroes, spotlighting with truly excellent art and a lot of understanding of their long histories. What's not to love?