In the midst of the chaos of multidimensional war, two powerless Avengers face their greatest challenge. Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Forever #15 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Jason Aaron
Penciler: Aaron Kuder
Inker: Mark Farmer
Colorist: Frank Martin
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 15, 2023
Previously in Avengers Forever: The greatest battle in the history of the Multiverse is raging, featuring Avengers from throughout time and space, countless different versions of Captain America and Iron Man and the God of Thunder. Yet somehow, it all comes down to one Starbrand and one Ghost Rider…
…who unfortunately are the only Avengers whose powers don’t seem to be working.
So, a colossal Mephisto stands against a massive team of Avengers of all realities, a team united in the defense of reality itself. Their battle rages on, but Robbie Reyes watches from the sidelines, with an elderly Brandy leaning on his shoulder. She has found that the use of her power ages her, while he has had his humanity slowly burned away by becoming the All-Rider for so long, but they both realize that the ancient powers aren’t complete without Ghost Rider and Starbrand. They power up to join the battle, only to realize too late that Mephisto hasn’t been playing the long game to CONQUER reality, he’s been working to destroy the bedrock of the God-Quarry in order to DESTROY reality. And the assembled Avengers have actually been helping him with the endless battle between Thors, Phoenixes, Moon Knights, and others.
And now they’re not just fighting to save their world, they’re about to be flooded with the liquified, toxic remains of the previous one.
I don’t know if it’s something about this issue’s script or just the fact that I had thought the previous issue was the last chapter before the big blowout finale, but somehow this issue feels like it’s kind of treading water. The impressive scene of Galactus consuming Doom The Living Planet is admittedly pretty amazing, but it quickly gets sidelined for Thor’s maternal reunion, Deathlok’s realization of what’s really happening, and Brandy and Robbie’s heroic maybe-sacrifice… It feels like hats upon hats upon hats. The ending is nicely handled, but the only difference between THIS issue’s super-giant Mephisto cliffhanger and last issue’s super-giant Mephisto cliffhanger is almost semantic. The art is still really good, and I liked the opening sequence wherein we get multiple perspectives and multiple characters crying “Avengers Assemble” a lot.
The basics of Avengers Forever #15 are solid enough, with several story moments that land, leading up to a big reveal of Mephisto’s secret motivations that lands well enough, but for some reason, it doesn’t quite have the dramatic heft of the previous issue, but better-than-average art and some strong moments in dialogue still come together to earn 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I have enjoyed this crossover so far, and I hope that the closing chapter pulls it all together without flying off the rails.
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So, I was mistaken in thinking last issue was the penultimate part of the story?
But somehow, this one feels wedged in awkwardly anyway.