The Harvest Festival is here, and Hitch is the DJ for the night! But can he slow down enough to actually set up his own booth? Find out in My Little Pony #7 by IDW Publishing!
Writer: Stephanie Williams
Artist: Robin Easter
Colorist: Heather Breckel
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Riley Farmer
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 7th, 2022
Previously in My Little Pony: My Little Pony has welcomed a new generation of ponies who have worked together to bring back magic. Sunny is a pony-turned-alicorn whose friendship keeps everyone together. Pipp and Zipp are princesses who have dreams of their own. Izzy is a master crafter and impulsive. But this issue focuses on Hitch, the Sheriff of Maretime Bay, and a helpless yes-man.
My Little Pony #7 starts with Hitch being excited about being the DJ for the Harvest festival. Unfortunately, he is waylaid by doing errands for Sunny and Izzy, who needs things for Izzy’s crafts booth. He then runs into Pipp, who needs a cameraman for a song, and Zipp, who needs someone to help her compete in the obstacle course. After helping his friends, he is effectively out of time to set up his own DJ station. Luckily, his friends show up to help him, and he has a great show.
I pick up this title because my daughter is really into these characters. When I prep a review, I read the comic to her before sitting down to brainstorm my review. She was a little bored with this comic, a rare occurrence. This issue features art stations we didn’t see, Pipp singing which we can’t hear, and Zipp running an obstacle course that wasn’t shown. On top of that, being a DJ is an auditory thing that doesn’t work in the comic medium. My Little Pony #7 set up a lot of promises but didn’t really show the fun parts of these activities. From her perspective, it was Hitch running around.
The tone and writing felt different than previous issues. I noticed that we have a new creative team. This book focuses more on young kids but does not engage my daughter or me. The writing and art style are simple, and the plotline is highly linear.
I like My Little Pony because it teaches suitable lessons for my kids and is accessible to adults. My Little Pony #7 didn’t have the charm that I was expecting. Hopefully, the new creative team will find a writing and art style that fits their needs. My Little Pony #7 is a 2.5 out of 5 stars.
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My Little Pony #7 failed to engage my daughter and me as it usually does.