Things have gotten better for Radiant Black, which means that there’s clearly disaster on the horizon. Your Major Spoilers review of Radiant Black #19 from Image Comics awaits!
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Marcelo Costa
Inker: Carlos Eduardo
Colorist: Marcelo Costa
Letterer: Becca Carey
Editor: Michael Busuttil
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 8, 2022
Previously in Radiant Black: A brand-new alien object has landed in Chicago. But what is it? And why isn’t it doing anything? And in the wake of the shocking ending of the fight with EpicFront… who even IS Radiant Black these days?
Radiant Black #19 opens in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where a strange object has descended from the heavens to hover over the city. Thousands of miles away, in Illinois, Radiant Black goes into action against car thieves, but an attempt to stop the fleeing vehicle causes it to flip over. Fortunately, Nathan is able to catch the car, but as one of the thugs makes a run for it, he switches off with Marshall, who brings the kid down with an energy construct. The two masked kids head for home, with Marshall going to work and Nathan sitting down to write some more thank you cards to those who donated to his GoFundMe… until he sees a familiar name. One trip to prison later, he is face-to-face with Radiant Red, who voluntarily went to jail for the bank robberies she committed and claims she doesn’t know anything about forty grand donated to his medical expenses. While they’re talking, Marshall sees the news about Brazil and calls Radiant Pink for a ride, only for the duo to find an unexpected giant problem.
Nathan’s worries about the owners of the Radiants returning to reclaim their property lead directly to the reveal of a giant robot ready to crush Marshall and Pink throwing us into the next phase of the Massive-Verse, which promises to examine where all this powerful alien tech came from in the first place. It’s kind of a housekeeping issue otherwise, reminding us where everyone is after last month’s spotlight on Wendell/Radiant Yellow. Higgins throws out the shocking reality of Satomi spending four years in prison, but also reminds us that things have progressed in something akin to real-time. As for the art of Costa and Eduardo, it’s well-handled, especially the sequence with the flipping car. But it’s a double-page spread of the Radiants at the foot of a HUGE robot, looking up from ground level that really stands out as piece de resistance.
After an exciting sequence of four or five issues, Radiant Black #19 slows things down for a look at the new two-man status quo, but ends with a promise of a giant frickin’ robot fight next time around, with strong art balancing out a quieter-than-usual issue for a better than average 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I hope that the answers to Nathan’s questions don’t end up getting somebody killed.
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Nathan and Marshall are coming to terms with their new status quo, while Satomi goes to jail and Eva goes to Brazil, and there's YET ANOTHER shocking new development. Well-done.