A brand-new team set out to prevent a magical threat and Doctor Doom! Find out what happens in Midnight Suns #2 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Ethan Sacks
Artist: Luigi Zagaria
Colorist: Antonio Fabela
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Tom Groneman
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 19th, 2022
Previously in Midnight Suns: Zoe Laveau sent out a prophecy of an apocalypse, drawing the attention of heroes and villains alike. She is saved by Agatha Harkness, who takes her away from Strange Academy. Meanwhile, Blade, Magik, Wolverine, Spirit Rider, and Nico Minoru work together to keep the students of Strange Academy from a shadowy threat. As the battle dies, Doctor Doom arrives, asking where Zoe is!
Midnight Suns #2 starts off with a flashback. In 1428, Agatha Harkness and a few other people summoned Valtorr, a dark creature, to stop an angry mob. In the present day, Agatha takes Zoe to safety. She explains that they need to work together to stop the apocalypse. Meanwhile, the Midnight Suns team fights off Doctor Doom and his Doom Bots. Nico struggles in the fight without her staff but manages to get a magic axe for Blade. The group works together to fend off Doctor Doom, and they prepare for Round 2 of the fight but are stopped by Clea, the Sorceress Supreme. Clea sends Doctor Doom away and teleports the Midnight Suns to the Dark Dimension to prevent their role in the prophecy.
The selling point of Midnight Suns #2 is a group of unlikely characters working together to fight. And in that sense, Midnight Suns does well. Watching these characters work together to fight Doctor Doom is engaging to read, but it was also the bulk of the book. For my taste, I think I wanted more characterization of the team and some more conflict. While I believe Magik and Wolverine have previously worked together, Spirit Rider is a minor character, and he probably has some opinions about the whole situation. However, the Agatha and Zoe situation is engaging, and I want to see what they do in the larger story.
Lastly, the art style was very well done, but I think the coloring is the show’s star. The vivid backgrounds and details make the art in the comic for me, even though the linework is standard fair for modern Marvel comics. Good work here.
I am behind the concept of Midnight Suns #2, and I hope we explore more about the characters in the book. However, the story is well thought out, and I’m excited to see what happens next. 3.5 out of 5 stars for Midnight Suns #2.
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Midnight Suns #2 has a fascinating concept that may live up to its full potential if the creative team can nail the protagonist's characterization.