It’s the season finale of this arc of Saga and long-time readers know what that means: Tragedy waits in the wings. Your Major Spoilers review of Saga #60 from Image Comics awaits!
SAGA #60
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Artist: Fiona Staples
Colorist: Fiona Staples
Letterer: Fonografiks
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: July 6, 2022
Previously in Saga: Alana has her medallion, Hazel has a romantic issue and some excellent tattoos and Squire has a big heaping bowl of foreshadowing.
Something bad is about to happen…
This issue opens with Klara, grandmother of Hazel and mother of late protagonist Marko, as she is interrogated in prison by Agent Gale, a magically empowered utter jerk from Landfall. In between denigrating and racially profiling her, he lets her know for the first time that her son is dead, moments before he strangles her. Only the timely intervention of a guard (and a member of her “book club”, admirers of D. Oswald Heist) saves Klara’s life, leaving Gale out in the cold. Elsewhere in the galaxy, Alana and Hazel are selling their special “formula” on a street corner when the local police arrive to run them off. That’s when she defiantly shows them the medallion that makes her a legal street seller, bringing the return arc of Saga full circle, and allowing her to bring the kids to the greatest, most wonderful place in the world: Douglas L. Zaapy’s Restaurant!
I have to say, the reveal that their destination is the space equivalent of Chuck E. Cheese is quite amusing, but the rest of the issue is equally well-done. Since the book’s return, Saga has been about smaller stories, two of which get some temporary closure in this issue, but Agent Gale’s perfidy and the completely shocking final pages make it clear that the next phase of the story is going to be something different. It’s also nice to see the trauma of losing her father finally catching up to young Hazel, something that I’m glad to see addressed. Hazel has been focusing on the trauma of those around her for the last five issues, and the moment where she really has to accept that her father is gone is all about the art. It’s not the only moment in the issue that hinges on the “acting” in Staples’ art, but it’s the most powerful, and sets us up for the next hiatus with a truly moving moment (and a feeling of doom.)
In addition to being visually stunning and narratively engaging, Saga #60 is also priced a full dollar below most of the comics on the stands, which means there’s no reason not to jump on board for some damn near perfect comic bookery, earning 5 out of 5 stars overall. I might recommend that a first-time reader not start the series with this issue, but even if you do, you’re going to get an impressive comic book.
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This issue wraps up the return arc in a satisfying way, both in-universe and out, but then hits readers with the trademark Saga shock, to great effect. Well worth your time.