In this episode of The Legion Clubhouse, the Knave from Krypton returns and the Legion has a Suicide Squad?
In the city of Metropolis, in the 30th Century, there exists one of the most amazing clubs of all time! It’s members are teen-aged youths, each possessing on special super-powers! The club members have vowed to use their fantastic power to battle crime… This rocket shaped building is the Legion Clubhouse!
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Adventure Comics #319
The Legion’s Suicide Squad
April 1964
w: Edmond Hamilton
a: John Forte
When the isolationist planet Throon builds a giant tower with a ray that incapacitates passing ships, the Legion of Super-Heroes is sent to try and stop them. The first squad which consists Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy, Superboy, Lightning Lad, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid are dispatched and find themselves easily defeated by devices that are tailor made to deal with their individual threats.
When the remaining members of the Legion all try in their own ways to get past the tower on Throon, they all meet defeat in different ways until all of the members of the Legion have been defeated. Having watched the entire fiasco on their viewing monitor, the Legion of Substitute Heroes goes in for the rescue. While the others keep the defenses of the tower busy, Night Girl uses her strength to burrow through the ground into the main control room of the tower. There she finds that the whole operation is controlled by two crazy old men. Easily defeating them and smashing their machine, Night Girl and the rest of the Substitutes free their Legion counterparts and return to Earth. There a special parade is put on in honor of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, finally giving them the recognition they deserve. – via DC Wikia
Adventure Comics #320
The Revenge of the Knave From Krypton!
May 1964
w: Edmond Hamilton
a: John Forte & George Papp
After finishing his homework, Superboy travels to the 30th Century for his regular visit with the Legion of Super-Heroes. There they are alerted by the security system of an intruder and Superboy is shocked to find it is his old tormentor Dev-Em. Capturing Dev-Em, Superboy explains how Dev-Em was a juvenile delinquent on Krypton who was sentenced to suspended animation, survived Krypton’s destruction and was revived on 20th Century Earth. Superboy then recounts about how Dev-Em managed to trap Superboy in the Phantom Zone and pose as him to cause chaos around Earth. After returning from the Phantom Zone, Superboy was unable to stop Dev-Em who escaped into the distant future. Superboy would finish his story by explaining that the only way he was able to clear his name was with the help of his friend Chief Parker who told everyone Red Kryptonite was the “reason” for Superboy’s rampage.
However, it is revealed that Dev-Em has turned over a new leaf in the 30th Century and is a member of the Inter-Stellar Counter-Intelligence Corps. However, when reporting back into the I.C.C., Dev-Em has his mission to stop interplanetary criminal Molock to Superboy. Disguising himself as Dev-Em, Superboy manages to bluff Molock with fake Gold Kryptonite, which is actually Proty II in disguise. After Superboy smashes up Molock’s operation and turns him over to the police, the Legion offers Dev-Em membership in the Legion, to which Dev-Em declines, preferring to work with the I.C.C. – via DC Wikia
Thanks to one of our fantastic listeners, we are giving away a copy of Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes Volume One.
It’s the long-awaited wedding of Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad, with a ceremony bringing together Legionnaires and friends from across galaxies! But amid the celebration, one guest’s joy for the happy couple is mixed with apprehension: something is wrong with the 30th century, and only Superboy can see it. To figure out what happened to the Legion’s future, Superboy and his friends must venture a thousand years into the past—to 1978! Plus, the Legion face off against the Worldsmith, rescue their billionaire benefactor, take over Superboy’s brain and more!
Continuing directly from the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES, this volume includes stories from SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #234-240, ALL-NEW COLLECTORS’ EDITION C-55 and DC SUPER-STARS #17.
Originally introduced in 1958, the Legion of Super-Heroes is a team of super-powered teenagers from the disparate worlds of the 30th century’s United Planets. Each hero had his or her own powers, unique to their planets of origin; together, they stood against evil across the galaxy. Together with 20th century hero Superboy, this team–originally made up of Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, but soon numbering in the dozens–fought for justice as they dealt with adolescent insecurities.
Collects ADVENTURE COMICS #247, #267, #282, #290, #293, #300-328; ACTION COMICS #267, #276, #287 and #289; SUPERMAN #147; SUPERMAN ANNUAL #4 and SUPERMAN’S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #72, #76; and SUPERBOY #86, #89, #98 and #117.
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