An action comedy adventure about brilliant robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who finds himself in the grips of a criminal plot that threatens to destroy the fast-paced, high-tech city of San Fransokyo. With the help of his closest companion-a robot named Baymax-Hiro joins forces with a reluctant team of first-time crime fighters on a mission to save their city.
Did you see the movie? Share your thoughts, reviews, reactions in the comment section below.
Very well done movie, I laughed, I cried, and laughed some more. It wasn’t too over the top and as one of the characters said it’s the team’s origin story. It summed everything up without a huge cliff hanger being held above us. Also wonderful surprise appearance at the very end, stay past the credits as always.
Did you wait and watch the after credit scene? Perhaps one of my favorite cameos of recent years.
Saw this yesterday with my wife. Awesome, awesome film. Right behind GotG for my favorite this year.
Fun, awesome movie. If you left before the credits finished up, go watch it again.
I liked the movie but it was so flawed. Tadashi and aunt Cass’ characters were unnecessary as their roles could easily have been filled by another member of the cast while Hiro’s driving motive could easily have been his sense of justice and curiosity. The secondary characters were underdeveloped but none of them felt dislikeable since their personalities were well used.
I have a feeling that “woman up” (although funny at its core) will be taken offensively since it was told to a male character (worse it came from a female’s mouth). Moods also changed spontaneously as opposed to evolving and it felt awkward at times. Do I have to mention that final climax? Even more unnecessary than Tadashi and aunt Cass but outside of its pointlessness however it was a good scene which made it less cringe-worthy. A good portion of the jokes fall flat due to their childishness yet they can put a smile on your face. A really personal gripe but San Fransokyo wasn’t bustling enough for my taste.
Regardless, the action was solid, the characters being underpowered felt satisfying. It also looked nice and the plot flowed very well. Overall it was an enjoyable experience but one I think the harsher critics will despise (that 91% on Rotten Tomatoes feels questionable). I hope Marvel brings the team back to the page (with many retcons probably) since the film is so far successful.