With production going hot and heavy in Pittsburgh, and fans swarming all over the place, it didn’t take long for someone to post via Twitter a brand new vehicle spotted in the wild.
There have been rumors that a new bat-vehicle would make its appearance in the film, and because it seems like a natural progression, this may be the Batwing.
What do you think?
As long as it can not shoot it down with one shot with a revolver, I’m in!! Look cool.
Well you have to admit, it was a really really big revolver.
Yes that is was, who know the Joker had toys of his own!
Ive learned to respect film a lot more due to all these leaked pictures, its amazing what gets created in that final cut. Id love to see a movie with all the scenes and stills we have seen over the last few days in their raw form…it would suck. LOL Its like, “hey you 3 guys…hang that black sheet off the side of this building!” = box office gold in 2012.