When it comes to digital comics and online purchasing comiXology created a great way to wrap a publisher’s brand and offerings around their engine. DC Comics announced the launch of the DC Digital Comics Store today, that runs off the comiXology engine. The online store allows readers to buy only DC comics through their comiXology account, which means you can read DC books on any computer with web access.
While the announcement of the store isn’t that big of a deal, the bigger item that many comic book readers are not aware of, is the fact that you can purchase and read digital comics through the DC Digital Comics Store, read them on your computer, and then when you finally make the jump to an iPad or other mobile device that supports comiXology, all of your purchased comics go with you. So today, I can purchase the first issue of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns via the DC Digital Comics Store, and then when I’m ready to head out into the world, I can transfer those issues to the iPad and read away.
Jim Lee posted the announcement on The Source, DC’s main blog page.
And you know what? Given the proliferation of digital comics apps, mobile devices and platforms, I know as a consumer of digital comics that I appreciate that kind of convenience. And as a Co-Publisher who finds time to catch up on his comics reading while on-the-go, I love the fact that I can carry around not just the latest digital issue of The Authority, one of my favorite all time comics, but my entire DC digital collection on any one of the devices I schlep with me to the far corners of the earth. And we’ve made many of the first issues of these great series free in commemoration of today’s news.
The good news is, if there is a title that isn’t in the DC store, the company wants to know about it now, so they can add it later.