Browsing: Featured

Once a year, an immortal opens his secret vault of ancient wines and spirits, sharing them with his friends and family.  This has a tendency to attract attention, but it’s cool: His friends are mostly superhuman…  Your Major Spoilers review of Armstrong and The Vault Of Spirits #1 awaits!

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So, I don’t know anything about Rick and Morty other than what Stephen has told me and the ‘Pickle Rick’ episode, but I’m always down for a superhero parody…  Your Major Spoilers review of Rick and Morty Presents: The Vindicators #1 awaits!

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IT’S NEW COMIC BOOK DAY! #NCBD The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.

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With the coming release of the new season of the Void Saga on the Critical Hit podcast, I, your all-knowing, all-powerful Robot Overlord, have once again taken the time to talk with Game Master Rodrigo Lopez about what happened last time… ON CRITICAL HIT!

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Anyone can kill you, but it takes someone you know to REALLY hurt you…  Your Major Spoilers review of Saga #49 awaits!

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America’s solo series has come to an end, but leave it to Mac to go out with a few fireworks…  Your Major Spoilers review of America #12 awaits!

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So, you want to get into BOOM! Studios Power Rangers comic books, but you realize that there are actually TWO series coming out monthly?  And you’re wondering which Power Rangers comic book is the one for you: ‘Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers’ or ‘Go Go Power Rangers’?  Fret not, Faithful Spoilerites, Major Spoilers has your back!

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Once upon a time, a crisis so grave arose that all the Avengers who had ever been part of the team assembled to face it.  Of course, that meant fewer heroes than some modern lineups… and BOTH girls!  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Avengers #100 awaits!

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Can the world’s greatest assassin give it up and raise a happy family in the suburbs?  Not if the people who have taken down Talia al Ghul have anything to say about it…  Your Major Spoilers review of The Silencer #2 awaits!

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