Princess Zarda is one of the superheroes in the Squadron Supreme, but she is also bloodthirsty and violent. Find out who her next victim is in Heroes Reborn #6 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Erica D’Urso, Ed McGuinness, and Mark Morales
Colorist: Jason Keith and Matthew Wilson
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: June 9th, 2021
Previously in Heroes Reborn: The world is turned upside down. Mephisto is the main deity, the Avengers never came together, and Coulson is the president of the United States. On top of that, Earth’s Greatest Heroes is the Squadron Supreme and each hero does not have very many heroic characteristics. This issue explores Princess Zarda and her role in this new world.
Princess Zarda collects monsters and gods by turning them into stone and showcasing them around the statue of liberty. Her latest victim was the All-Gog, the god-eater. However, she is still bloodthirsty and wants a new challenge. Luckily, an unnatural storm has arisen, and she knows that this is god magic. Grabbing an axe made from the Bifrost bridge, she summons a portal to Asgard to find… a very confused Thor reeking of booze. Thor has slowly been regaining his memories and when Thor realize that Zarda has an axe made from the Bifrost bridge, the two begin to fight. Princess Zarda beats up Thor so badly that she punched his beard off. However, Thor remembers to call Mjolnir and returns back to being the Lord of Living Thunder! However, he was drifted off before the fight can continue. Meanwhile, Thor joins Blade and his new team while the Squadron Supreme prepare to deal with these Avengers.
This version of Thor was a great contrast to Princess Zarda. Seeing a woman who is so sure of herself compared to a drunkard Thor regaining her memories worked well on the page. This encounter thus was engaging because the characters played well off each other. Great work here and great use of lightning from the artistic creators.
This is the 6th issue of the comic and I finally feel like we are hitting a high tension point. Watching the Squadron Supreme finally come together to realize a threat is entertaining. Unfortunately, we only have one more issue of this series before we hit the finale. We got so much exposition just to have a short climax doesn’t feel like a strong narrative arc. I wonder if this is not the end of the series? Will there be a reoccurring comic book coming out after this event? I hope so but I’m not optimistic.
I think this is one of the better issues in this series because of how different Thor and Princess Zarda are. Great work from the design team and how they opted to tell this story. 4 out of 5 stars for this one.
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Princess Zarda and Thor work well as foils that allows both characters to be dynamic and unique.